Chapter: 88

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"Mom, pool!" Liam excitedly points at the pool as I grab his arm tightly in my hand so he doesn't go running towards the pool.

Maybe I should personally thank Kris for selecting the poolside as her wedding venue.

"Listen, Liam, you can't go near water." Crouching down, I sit in front of him and directly look into his eyes, "It is not safe and you are just learning to swim."

Looking at the pool, I notice it is surrounded by a safety fence so that no children can go there. But it is nowhere enough to stop my son.

I would not be surprised if he will be able to jump this fence to go to the other side. Because in these five years of his life, I have learned there is hardly anything that is Liam-proof.

"Mommy." He pouts looking at me innocently, but I know how innocent he is. After all, he is just like me.

"No, Liam," I sternly say, "No, going near the pool."

"Okay." He nods his head obediently understanding that I am not joking.

"Now, let's go and find our seats." I hold his hand as we walk towards the front as our seats are near Kris's family.

My eyes land on Matt's face who is limping his way towards his seat. Involuntarily the corner of my lips curved in a satisfied smile when I notice the bruise on his face where my fist met his face, but then frown appears on my face when I notice he looks far more badly beaten up.

Before I can assess his condition more, Liam calls me to get my attention.

"Yes?" I turn my face to him as he questioningly looks at me.

"Mommy, why people get married?" He asks.

"Umm... because they love each other and want to spend all their life with each other," I answer him.

"Also because they want to have children," I hear a woman from behind us speak, "But then there are some women who still have children without being married." I hear some snickers, making me roll my eyes.

This is not the first time I am listening to things like this and, trust me, it hardly bothers me what anyone thinks.

"What kind of women, these women are?" Another voice says with disgust.

"The kind of women who are more than enough to provide for themself and their children without needing a man to look after them." Turning my body slightly in their direction, I smirk. "Also they are the kind of women, who have something better to do with their lives rather than being bitches."

The woman who is sitting directly behind Liam's seat glares at me, as her nostrils flares in anger but smartly she keeps her mouth shut. While when I shift my gaze to the other woman sitting next to her, she tries to pretend that she hasn't said anything.

Shaking my head at them, I turn back in my chair, facing front praying that the wedding starts soon because my patience level is not very high at this moment.

I slightly flinch and look at Liam when he holds my hand and carefully touches the scrapes on my knuckles.

"Did you punch someone again?" He quietly asks, "You should wear hand wraps to protect your hand before punching, you know that right?" He seriously nods his head.

I can't help but smile at him, as he looks so cute being serious.

"Sorry, next time, I will keep that in mind." I pout giving him a sad look.

He kisses the back of my hand very gently.

"Here, now it will get better very soon." He smiles looking at me.

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