Chapter: 107

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People say the one who is weak surrenders, while I think they are the strongest person who just lost the will to stay strong.

Sometimes, surrendering means liberation. No fight, just acceptance.

Expectation fuel up the fire inside you... a fire to fight for your dreams. However, acceptance calms the chaos inside you... helping you to make peace with your situation.

That's why I have stopped expecting things, a long time ago.

But am I truly at peace? This is the question, I ask myself every single moment of the day.

However, I can't find its answer.

It is not that I am not satisfied with my life, I have worked hard to be where I am today. But still, there is something which is missing... I am missing. I am a happy mother, but am I a happy person? No, I am not and I know can never be.

Liam is the reason why I am happy as a mother, but Avery in me doesn't have any reason to be happy.

One by one she has seen her happiness vanishing before her eyes. She is afraid to be happy, she is afraid to laugh... she is simply afraid of her fate.

Looking at my first picture with Liam, I smile. This moment when I held him for the first time is ingrained in my mind forever. Honestly, I have forgotten the pain, the suffering which I have gone through because all I can remember seeing his beautiful face for the first time.

This is the picture which I see every morning to remind myself, Liam is the purpose of my life... my happiness, my world.

Even after everything, I wanted to share that moment with Alec. Because a part of me was never ready to accept that he never loved me.

Giving in to that part of me is not easy, I don't even know whether I will ever be able to give in.

When I told him, I want him to be happy I truly mean it. I want him to find someone who can bring happiness into his life. I want at least one of us to find their happy ending. And I want that one to be him.

Somewhere, it is his guilt, his regret that wanted him to make things right with me... to turn the things the way they used to be. However, once a moment has been passed it can never return. So, what is there to wish for something that is a part of the past?

When I hear the doorbell ringing, placing my laptop on the table, I cross the living room to answer the door.

Opening the door, I see Alec standing outside the door.

"Hey." He smiles when I remove the door chain and open the door completely.

"You know, anyone can easily break this door chain?" He frowns as he looks at the door chain when I close the door after he has entered. "It is not effective or safe enough."

"This door chain helps me to stop my kid from running outside as soon as he gets a chance since he can't reach this door chain and also he still hasn't figured out how to open this." I press my lips together, "So, it is effective."

"Where is he?" Alec asks looking around.

"He is taking a nap, you can go to his room." I walk past him back into the living room. "And don't scream if you step on a Lego piece. Then you have to tend an injured foot and a grumpy kid, because you have disturbed his nap, and it is not fun at all."

He quietly chuckles and follows me to the living room.

"No, I have come to meet you actually." He turns serious, "I have got a new assignment, and I will be going for a few days."

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