Chapter: 33

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Alec's POV

I am sitting on the upper branch of the tree, nearly hidden, just to avoid everyone. Away from these teenagers who are behaving like idiots.

Stupid teenagers.

Even though I am myself seventeen but I never feel like I belong with them. Maybe homeschooling does this to you.

It is just been a few days since we... no, since I moved to this town and I already hate this place.

I should have never agreed to come to this bonfire with Jake. Jake is the guy I met at my father's club. He is a really good boxer and he is not a manwhore like rest of the guys. We mostly train together, so we sort of became friends. Just like me, he has been boxing since he was a kid. The only difference is that I have been training in different fighting styles. After mastering in various fighting styles, now I mostly focus on MMA.

"Hey, Alec, why don't you come and sit with me? I will make sure that you have a good time."

A nasal voice reaches my ears, making me want to strangle this girl.

How the hell she has found me? 

Since the moment, I have come here almost every girl is throwing herself at me. What is wrong with these girls? Do they have no shame?

I glare at the girl who is standing below the tree giving me a seductive smile, then without replying, I look away from her. I hope she will get my message clear and will not bother me again.

As long as I can remember, I have never interacted with any girl. I don't have any problem with girls, but it is just that all my life I am mostly surrounded mostly by guys. The only females I have talked to are my family.

And after seeing these girls, I am glad I never wasted my time.

"Alec, do you want me to come to you?" The girl wearing some shredded pieces of clothes, if we can call them clothes, asks in her nasal tone. 

Maybe I should suggest her to blow her nose so that she can rid of her nasal voice.

"Pull me up." She stands on her toes and stretches her hand towards me, giving me a fake innocent look, "You are so strong, I know you can easily pull me up," she giggles.

Witch, Instead of pulling you up, I will put you six feet under the soil.

"What the hell are you doing here, cursed child?" She says in her cringy voice directed to someone else, "Trying to spread your curse on everyone else," she smirks insulting some girl.

"I was just checking if my spell is still working. Remember I used my Ridikulus spell on you?," That girl answers confidently, "Guess what? It is still doing a great job, Victoria."

My focus shifted on the new girl, I notice she is not dressed up as most of the girls. She is wearing simple faded jeans and sweatshirt, but the confidence which oozing off her is unmatchable.

"I am going to kill you." The witch, whose name I have just found Victoria, screeches and takes a step forward. I ready myself to jump between the girl and her if the witch does something crazy.

"Keep your paws off me." The girl crosses her arms over her chest, "I am against animal cruelty otherwise, by now you would have been sprawled on the ground in a dismantled form," she says in an utmost bored tone, not even slightly intimidated by the witch, who looks like she is ready to kill her.

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