Chapter: 40

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Should I go to him? No, he will be mad at me, if I disturb him. I will stay in my room as he always orders me to when he is at home.

Laying on my bed, with a big grin I clutch my bunny tightly.

"Buns, daddy is at home and he didn't leave even for work, can you believe?" I kiss my blue bunny, "I am so so happy."

"He is at home with me," I whisper looking at my room door with a smile, "He has never spent this much time at home,  this is the first time."

"I will not trouble him at all if I will be good, then maybe he will stay more at home," I say to myself while seriously nodding my head.

Quickly, changing into my new white dress, which Pops has sent me for my ninth birthday last week, I walk outside the room. 

Daddy forgot my birthday, he didn't wish me.

I sadly think to myself, then instantly my sad expression brightens, thinking that he might be making up for forgetting my birthday by spending time with me.

Throughout the day, I quietly go into daddy's room to watch him sleeping. 

"I love you, daddy." I lightly kiss his hand fearing he will wake and get angry with me for disturbing his sleep. "Sleep well," I whisper.

My daddy works a lot, he never gets proper rest. Maybe that is why he is sleeping for so long. He must be really tired.

Tiptoeing I walk outside his room. Just want to make him happy, I cleaned the house as much as I can. Our housekeeper took two days off, so the house is not very tidy.

Growling in my stomach reminds me I haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. I don't know how to cook, most of the meals are cooked by Martha, our housekeeper. Since she is on leave, there nothing much. 

Maybe daddy ate at night without waking me up, because he thought I must have had dinner.

I will wait for him, then we will eat something together.

Sighing, I just drink a glass of milk and return to the living room to watch cartoons.

The sound of the doorbell ringing forces me to wake up. Squinting my eyes I look around to find myself on the couch, while TV is still on. I don't even realize when I have felt asleep. The bright sun rays are scattered throughout the room, which makes me frown. 

"Oh, God! I slept for so long." I slap my forehead quietly laughing, remembering falling asleep on the couch while watching cartoons in the evening, and now it is the next day morning.

"Like father, like daughter." I smile while scratching my head. My smile brightens when I find daddy's car key hanging on the wall.

He is still at home.

Thank God! I have let him sleep and didn't wake him up. Otherwise, he would have left me.

The front door opens revealing Martha, our housekeeper, she closes the door behind her as she enters. 

"Good morning, honey." She leans down and hugs me.

"I saw Mr.Anderson's car in the driveway, so I thought he is home that is why I rang the bell."  

"Yes, he is." I happily nod my head, "But he is sleeping, he has spent so much time with me, Martha." I open my arms wide as I tell her how much time daddy has spent with me. Although he has been sleeping all the time, still, he is with me.

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