Chapter: 48

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Alec's POV

Wiping the sweats from my forehead with the front of my t-shirt, I start running again. Morning runs are my favorite, they not only refresh me, but even help me in clearing my mind. 

However, for the past few months, this is the part of the day in which I allow my mind to openly think about only one person, Avery. 

She is like a puzzle to me, and God knows how much I love solving puzzles. At the same time, she is like an open book to me. 

Shaking my head, I laugh remembering how much she hates when I sneak up on her. Well, it is not my fault that she is most of the time lost in her own thoughts. Honestly, I hate when people are ignorant of their surroundings because any ignorance can be dangerous. However, when it comes to her I find it adorable. Although, I will warn her to be careful when she is alone. 

After getting back from my run, I make a list of things that needed to be done today. Even though today I don't have any work, but there are other things around the house that need my attention. 

Most importantly, I have to assemble that cat tree tower which I bought online for Frisky. I am tired of her climbing on shelves then caterwauling to help her get down. Because she knows how to climb, but it seems like she always forgets how to come down.

Although everything cannot be done in one day, still I can try. Firstly, I need to give my car for full service. So, after finishing up some of my work, later in the afternoon I head to the Andersons Automobiles. 

It has been quite some time since I have met Frank. Along with giving my car for service, I will also meet Frank. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, I hum along with some song playing on the radio. Soon, Andersons Automobiles and Spareparts come into my view and I park my car in front of it.

Killing the engine, I walk inside the front of the shop hoping to find Frank. However, instead of him, I find some other guy standing behind the counter. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" He politely smiles.

"Hey, is there Frank around?" I ask while keeping my one arm on the front table and look around.

"He is gone for some work, but he will return soon," he answers. "If you want you can wait for him in the waiting area, in the meantime."

"Okay, thanks." I nod my head at him, "Oh, and yeah, I want full service of my car, it is parked in the front." Twisting my body slightly, I point in the direction of my car.

"Yeah, sure, no problem." He nods his head, "Give me your keys, I will bring your car in the garage, so we can start working on it." He extends his palm and I place my keys in his hand.

"Terry, cover the front." He hollers over his shoulder and walks outside. Soon a lanky looking boy who looks like he is in his late teens, whose name I guess is Terry, comes from the door behind the counter.

"Okay, Mason." He answers then he looks at me, nervously. 

The front door opens again, and Terry looks expectantly at the door, his eyes sparkle as a grin replaces his earlier nervous face.

"The truck will be here in twenty minutes." Avery's voice reaches my ear, making me look in her direction, "Unload the tires from the truck."

Interesting, this kid has a crush on my Firefly.

She has not looked up from the book which she is holding, as she walks straight ahead while drinking the milkshake which is on her other hand.

"Okay, Avery." Terry pushes his glasses up his nose and nods looking upset for not getting any attention from her.

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