Chapter: 91

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Alec's POV

Entering into the building, I head straight to the underground as this is where all the interrogation takes place. All our buildings are designed similarly.

The white sterile hallway of the basement can't tell what gory things are done with the people who are held behind these closed doors.

Opening the door of the far end room, I enter to find Finn standing beside a very scared looking doctor.

"Hello, Campbell." I walk to him, "It is nice meeting you again."

"Mr. Gregory, I haven't done anything..." He nervously shakes his head, "I don't know why I have been dragged here."

"Have you given me the wrong report, Doctor?" I ask calmly.

"Which report?" He pretends to think.

Whereas, I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration because now I have to waste my time more with him before I can go and meet my son.

And it makes me even, more, mad.

"You have said that I can't become a father, right?" Leaning down, I come eye to eye with him. "So, have you lied to me?"

"No, I haven't lied, it is true you can't have children." He pretends to look confident, but I can clearly see through his pretense.

"I hate when people lie to me, Campbell." I slowly nod my head and unbuttoning my cuff I roll my sleeves up, then I walk to the corner and lean against the wall of the room while rolling my other sleeves up.

"So, how shall we do this?" I arch my eyebrow, "In a nice way or in my way?"

When he keeps up his innocent act, I exhale a breath and turns to Finn.

"Tie him on the table." I nod my head to the table in the middle of the room, "I guess, it is going to be my way."

Ignoring his protest, Finn harshly throws him on the table and ties his hands and feet with each corner of the table.

Taking out my mobile, I open my phone gallery which is filled by the pictures of Liam because I wanted to keep some of his memories with me. So that I could relive all these moments whenever loneliness starts eating me. Because even though at that time I didn't know he was mine but still, he had become so much to me in so less time.

I am sorry for not being a part of your life, Liam.

I can't deny, there were many times in the beginning when I just wanted to go back to my Firefly... to ask her to come back and fill the emptiness of my life.

But when I found I can't give her a family, I had stopped thinking about going back to her. As she deserved someone who could give her a family which she dreamed of. Even though she had never said but I used to see in her eyes the wish to have her own family... who will not leave her just like her own father did.

Slipping my phone back in my pocket. I walk to Campbell, who is pale with fear... just like he should be.

"I will ask you again." I stand at the head of the table, "Have you lied to me?"

"Have you lied to me?" I forcefully slap my palm on the table beside his head, as I repeat my question, making him loudly scream.

"No..." he stutters.


Covering his face with a cloth, I motion Finn to hand me the metal jug which is filled with cold water.

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