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          Foxfire sat amongst the empty field, staring out at the sunset ahead of her. She had no desire to move, as she'd been sitting there for what felt like days. It was nearing the time for her to return to school. Which was exciting, but times were growing darker since last year and even the year before, when Cedric Diggory was killed. And as her and her friends grew older, the more the darkness settled around them. It was becoming more real everyday, the challenges they were to face. Foxfire couldn't decide whether or not she was eager for the year to begin. Because usually, she had only desired to be at school, but now, she felt a little lost within her own self, and she began to question the people around her. She gazed up toward the sky and leaned onto her back, as the grass below her buried into her clothes.
It was a perfect summer evening, with crickets and bugs that chirped all around her, as the sun began to lower in the distance. It was her last day to enjoy time to herself. Summer had grown boring, but she needed a break from the reality she was stuck in. The past few months had been enjoyable, as she had spent the majority of the time with her aunt Jade, who she lived with since she was orphaned as just a baby. It was nice to spend time with her aunt, as she only saw her during summer, mostly due to the fact that she didn't really return home for breaks, because something about Hogwarts when most of the students weren't around, was just, peaceful to say the least.
Her aunt was younger than you would expect. As she was only 34, and found herself raising a baby at just 19. But because of this, Foxfire found it more like being raised by her sister compared to a mother. Which did have its perks, as Jade was never too strict on her, and had a hard time fulfilling that parent role, as she was preoccupied with finally getting a degree and working full time.

The wind began to pick up its pace around her, and the light began to succumb to the darkness. Foxfire knew she should return into the house and finally pack up her things, since she liked to procrastinate until the very last moment on literally everything. Homework, writing people back, chores, and packing. Whatever it is, you name it, and she'll wait until she absolutely has to. Which probably explains why she's developed anxiety over the years. And because she's living in an era where he who shall not be named has been presumed to return. She often contemplated locking herself in her room and never leaving again. There was so much terror out in the world that she couldn't handle the thought of having to return into it. She would be perfectly content with the four walls and a single window, her bed and her best friend, Cleo, which happened to be a hedgehog. And I know what you're thinking, 'but how the bloody hell could she have a hedgehog when hedgehog's aren't on the approved list of pets for Hogwarts?' Well, I'm here to tell you that kids do what they want at this point. You really think some aren't sneaking in ferrets, snakes, exotics and even magical plants? You must not have gone to Hogwarts then.
Even though Foxfire was a proud student of Hogwarts and did really enjoy life there and the majority of her teachers, she had a mouth on her. And you cross her in any way, or her friends, and you'll see a side to her that you could have never imagined. So yes, Foxfire has her hedgehog with her at Hogwarts, whether it's allowed or not. Because she quite frankly, doesn't care.

Her best friends happened to be quite the group. There was of course Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of who make up the infamous 'golden trio', who she technically was a part of, making it the golden quartet. But that just doesn't have as catchy of a name, now does it? Plus, Foxfire's best friend above all others, was the one and only Kat Harris. Kat Harris was unlike anyone you could ever meet. She was beautiful, funny, athletic, and a kind hearted person. She had her own quirks that just made her, well, her. And if you didn't like her, she didn't give a damn. Those two together, were absolute trouble, but they loved each other none the less. Even if Kat loved Foxfire in a different way. But that never mattered to her, because she could never tell Foxfire her secret, as she feared their friendship would fall apart. So she hid her true feelings from her best friend, even though it pained her to hear of the boys she liked and the guys she dates. Some of those guys consisting of the one and only Fred Weasley, which was brief, but fun, especially since the two have just remained good friends. And there was Cedric Diggory, who she really didn't date per say, but just happened to attend the yule ball with him, but it destroyed her none the less when he was killed. And lastly, a boy named Theo Rose. Theo wasn't the nicest of guys, but Foxfire tends to find the best in others, even if there's nothing there. And when he left her for another girl, that girl being her sworn enemy, Pansy Parkinson, her heart was left broken, as he was her first, well, everything. And Kat was always there to pick up the pieces after each and every breakup.

Foxfire had it pretty great. She had the friends, the boyfriends, the perfect school, (I mean she's a witch for merlin's sake), and an aunt who loved her as her own.
But tomorrow, all of that changes. And Foxfire is thrown to the wolves.

Foxfire is the girl who runs with foxes.

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