twenty nine

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safety first

"Tonight we are joined by Miss Charity Burbage." Voldemort began, as the professor was now floating above the center of the table. "Who, until recently taught at Hogwarts. Her speciality being muggles studies. It is her belief that muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way, have us mate with them." He told the group of death eaters, as they roared with laughter, for some reason, finding it amusing that she taught about, in their minds, the lesser of the human race. Kat grew even more weary of what was to happen next, as she clearly knew, Voldemort was not a kind hearted, nor forgiving man.

"Severus," the woman spoke up, as Kat looked up to her, seeing her eyes fill with tears. "Severus, please. We're friends." She pleaded in a corse voice. Voldemort looked between Snape and her, before lifting the wand and striking her down.

Her body plopped down onto the table before them, as Kat jumped back in her seat, feeling her mother grip onto her arm, sending a warning look to calm down, and chill out, basically. Kat looked back over to Draco, who seemingly enough, looked just as disturbed and scared as she was. And he truly was terrified, he didn't want people to die. But sadly, that was inevitable in war, and he was just on the wrong side of it. Kat looked down at the professors lifeless eyes, as her pale skin was stained with tear streaks and blood. At least she was out of her misery, was all she could think.

"Nagini," Voldemort began. "Dinner." And before Kat's eyes, the snake slithered a top the table, past the death eaters, and engulfed the professors body, whole.

Once the meeting had ended, Viola and Kat, along with the Malfoy's, met in the foyer once more. Kat stood across from Draco as their families talked in a hushed tone, just a little bit away. Draco stared over at the scared girl, and without hesitation, approached beside her, trying to look inconspicuous. "How is she?" He asked, as quietly as he was able.

"Who?" Kat remarked, not wanting to talk with him, and not wanting to give him answers.

"Come on, Harris, you know who." He whispered once more, eyeing her. She looked down, realizing he clearly had to have been worried, and as much as she resented the boy beside her, she felt as though he still deserved to know. Worry is a terrible feeling, that no one should have to live with.

"She's fine." She looked up to him, slowly. "She's safe." She confirmed, as Draco felt a weight lift from his shoulders.

"Where is she?" He asked her, curiously.

"Why? You want to visit her?" Kat mocked him, as they both knew, that'd be a really hard task to follow through with. "Last I heard, she was saying goodbye to her aunt." Kat informed him once more, feeling annoyed, but generous.

"Goodbye? Where's she going?" He wondered, now feeling that nervous anxious feeling flood back through his body.

"Harry's, okay? She's going to be helping them, and clearly, I got the short end of the stick, because now I'm stuck here with you." She snapped, quietly, as he glared down at her.

"Pardon me for actually caring." He told her, feeling himself grow easily annoyed with the girl. "I'll tell you, I dont know how she's dealt with you for as long as she had." He snapped back, as he didn't really care about making friends, he just wanted Foxfire.

"Piss off, Malfoy." She rolled her eyes, before walking over to her mother's side. Draco stared out the window at the gloomy night, just wishing he knew a way to escape this horrid reality he was stuck living in.

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