You/They are Hurt

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Some of this didn't turn out as serious as I intended it to be...I'm sorry? XD


You are Hurt:
Arthur will probably blame himself for you getting hurt even if it had absolutely nothing to do with him. He will tend to you straight away though, making sure everything was checked on and bandaged up. He will fuss over you a bit but not too excessively. Just keep assuring him that you're okay. When things have calmed down and your both alone together, remind him that it isn't his fault and that you're going to be just fine. We all know that his man feels guilty for everything.

They are Hurt:
As usual, Arthur will put everyone else's needs before his own. Making sure that everybody else is alright before he sorts himself out. But you don't let him do that. If he is hurt, you are tending to it immediately. You will drag him away from the others if you have too, sitting him down while you force him to let you patch up his wounds. Sometimes he forgets how much you care about him, only because he isn't very used to it, so he will just fall in love with you all over again. The worst part of an injured Arthur is getting him to stop working and doing jobs for people, you would have to keep dragging him back to his bed to get him to rest and take it easy.


You are Hurt:
As soon as Dutch finds out that you are hurt, that's all he is focused on. He's going to make sure that your wounds are properly tended too and that you are going to be okay. He will probably try to blame someone until you tell him to calm down and that it's nobody's fault. Dutch isn't going to let you do anything once you're patched up. He is worried about the wound reopening so he won't let you strain yourself, he is worried about you getting hurt again so expect him to be a little extra protective. He pretty much treats you like royalty until you are completely healed.

They are Hurt:
Dutch tries to act tough but he's kind of a big baby. He acts tough in front of the rest of the gang but once you're alone and you're patching him up, he is whining and pouting like a child. Will mumble to himself while you bandage him up. Give him a kiss and he will cheer up. Will expect some special treatment from you. If you ask him to do something he will use the "I'm injured!" excuse to get out of it.


You are Hurt:
Micah is worried about you but isn't very good at showing it. He will probably sound more angry than concerned when he asks you what happened. He will patch you up to the best of his ability, just ignore the way that he is mumbling and muttering to himself. Maybe he's mad at whoever hurt you, maybe he is mad at himself, but he isn't mad at you, even if he sounds like he is. He will be keeping a close eye on you while you are recovering but if somebody mentions it, he will deny it.

They are Hurt:
Master of pretending nothing it wrong. He could literally get shot and be bleeding out and he still would tell you that everything was fine and wouldn't accept your help. You would probably have to argue with him while forcing him to let you patch him up. Really, he appreciates the help and concern but he hates appearing weak, plus he isn't used to somebody wanting to help him.


You are Hurt:
The first thing Charles would think about would be tending to the wound, whether it was a broken bone or just a graze, he would be tending to it before you had time to blink. This is the person you want to be tending to your wounds, he's probably one of the best in the camp and he's good at staying calm. You mean a lot to him so he pays extra attention to you when you are hurt. He won't baby you if you are capable of doing everything as normal, but he is ready to help you with anything that you need. He will keep checking on the wound until it is completely healed.

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