Javier Escuella: Poncho

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Javier Escuella X Female Reader

Summary: prompt "Can I have your poncho because it smells like you?"

It's short but it's cute. Got a longer chapter coming, I promise!

Word Count: 800

Your eyes fluttered open, the sound of something shuffling around waking you up. You watched Javier move around the tent, collecting whatever he needed for the job that he was about to go on. You knew that he would be leaving sometime during the night and that he wouldn't be back until the morning.

"Hey, hermosa. Go back to sleep, I'll see you when I get back" Javier spoke quietly, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, when he realised that he had woken you up.

"Javier, wait" your voice was thick with sleep but you still managed to get his attention as you sat up, stopping him from leaving the tent.

"What is it, mi amor?" Javier asked with a smile, brushing your hair out of your face.

"Can you leave your poncho?" you asked, a light blush appearing on your cheeks.

"Why?" he was a little surprised by your strange request, his head tilting slightly to the side.

"...because it smells like you" you explained, your blush deepening. Javier couldn't help but smile at that.

"You're so cute" Javier gushed quietly before taking his poncho off and holding it out to you. If you wanted his poncho, you could have it, he didn't mind at all. Especially if you only wanted it to make it feel like he was still there, how could he deny you that?

"I love you" you smiled as you took the poncho from him. You hated when Javier had to go on jobs over night, leaving you alone on the cot, but you understood that it had to be done. You just missed him when he wasn't sleeping beside you.

"Yo también te quiero" Javier said sweetly as he lent down and caught your lips in an equally sweet kiss.

"Be careful" you softly pleaded as he pulled away from you.

"Of course. Now go back to sleep" Javier pressed another kiss to your forehead, hoping his words would reassure you. Of course you worried about him whenever he had to go on a job but you knew that he could handle himself just fine, you just didn't want him getting hurt.

"Okay" you smiled, making yourself comfortable on the cot again. Javier chuckled quietly to himself, giving you another soft smile before dipping out of the tent.

You sighed to yourself, holding the poncho close. It wasn't Javier but it was as close as you could get right now so you would take it. It was close enough for just one night. Eventually, you managed to fall back to sleep.


Javier rode back into the camp with a few other of the men. It was the early hours of the morning so everyone in the camp was still sleeping, which meant that Javier could just join you in the tent and he was very grateful for that. He dismounted his horse, said goodnight to the others, and walked over to your shared tent.

He stepped inside and his heart instantly melted at the sight he was greeted with. He already loved coming back from a job to see you, whether it be your smiling face or your sleeping figure under the covers, but this was just something else. You were laying on the cot, under the sheets, and cuddling his poncho to your chest. Absolutely adorable.

Javier tried to be as silent as possible as he got undressed, just wanting to get some rest. He pulled the sheets back carefully, not wanting to wake you up. He gently climbed onto the cot but the movement disturbed you slightly, making you hum and bury your face in the material of his poncho, making Javier smile again. He shifted to lie down properly and make himself more comfortable but he accidentally woke you up.

"Javier?" you mumbled, clearly not completely awake.

"Yeah, it's me, mi amor" Javier assured you gently, laying on his side to face you.

You brought one hand up to rub your eye as your vision focused on Javier's face, his natural smile making you smile as well.

"Did it go well?" you asked.

"It went just fine, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow" Javier assured you, not even sure if you were completely awake. You just nodded, nearly falling back to sleep in a second.

"Hey, are you going to give me a cuddle or has my poncho stolen you from me?" Javier asked. Was it possible to feel jealous of an item of clothing? Well he was now.

You laughed softly, dropping the poncho off the side of the cot before shuffling closer to Javier. He wrapped his arms around you, letting you cuddle into his chest. You wrapped your arm around his waist, getting as close to him as possible. He held you securely but comfortably as you tucked your head under his chin.

You fell asleep pretty quickly, right after Javier pressed a kiss to the top of your head. Javier fell asleep not long after, nuzzling his nose in your hair.


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