Micah Bell: The Softer Side

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Micah just can't help but melt whenever you are around.

Word Count: 1400

Micah was sitting at the campfire, appreciating the warmth in the chilly night. He was the only one around the fire but he didn't mind, the only company he would have liked was yours.

"Micah" Bill greeted with a small nod as he sat down at the fire.

"William" Micah nodded back.

"It ain't William...Bill comes from Williamson" Bill told him as he took a sip from his drink.

"That so?" Micah raised an eyebrow, his interest peaking ever so slightly. "So your first name comes from your surname...ain't that odd" he hummed to himself.

"Guess I never put too much thought in it before" Bill shrugged, suddenly wishing he had stayed silent.

"What's your real first name then?" Micah asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"...Marion" Bill mumbled, keeping his gaze on the fire.

"Marion? My oh my...what a nasty momma and daddy you must have had. Oh, they must have hated you before they even met you...explains a lot" Micah chuckled to himself.

"It's a family name, actually" Bill turned his attention to Micah, getting defensive.

"That don't surprise me...but I can see why you stick with Bill, Marion" Micah smirked, leaning back in the chair again. Bill opened his mouth to speak but didn't get a chance before a new voice joined the conversation.

"Are you bothering Bill?" you asked Micah as you walked over to them, grabbing both of their attention. Micah looked over at you and his mood instantly lightened, his face even softened.

"Y/n, sweetheart, sit with us" Micah invited as he took your hand in his, guiding you down onto his lap.

You sat down without argument, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to support yourself as he wrapped one arm around your waist. His other hand camp to rest on your thigh. As soon as you were in the picture Micah started to act softer, at least towards you, anyone could see that.

"Guess what I just learnt" Micah grinned up at you. You shook your head, knowing that look on his face. He was annoying someone, and in this case it was Bill.

"What was it?" you asked, running your fingers through his hair.

"Mr Williamson's real name...it turns out to be Marion" Micah told you, earning a huff from Bill.

"Marion?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Micah just nodded, clearly amused. "Well, Bill, I can't say that it suits you very much but maybe that's just because I'm used to calling you Bill. But Marion is a fine name" you looked at Bill with a kind smile.

"Thank you, Y/n" Bill smiled slightly at you. He, along with many others, never understood how you and Micah ended up together. You were so kind and sweet and just the opposite of Micah.

"You really are just the sweetest, ain't ya?" Micah looked up at you, his hand rubbing up and down your thigh. "Couldn't say a mean thing if you tried" he chuckled, shaking his head at you.

"Oh shush, there's nothing wrong with being nice" you lifted your hand from your lap and rested it on his chest.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart" Micah smiled, making you roll your eyes.

Still, you couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. To get that stupid smile off of Micah's face, you lent him and gave him a short, innocent kiss.

Bill rolled his eyes as he finished off his drink. Honestly, Micah's change in mood whenever you showed up gave Bill whiplash.

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