Javier Escuella: Prepared

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Javier Escuella X Female Reader

Summary: Javier gets shot on a job and you have to tend to the wound.

Word Count: 1500

You had gone on a job with Javier, something that was familiar to you. You and Javier had always worked well together and that encouraged Dutch to send you out on jobs together more often. Over time the two of you grew close, seeing how well you worked together and how well you got along, you started spending more time together. When one of you ever needed a partner for a job, you were each other's first choice.

That's how you ended up here, being shot at by O'Driscolls. The pair of you had just finished the job that Dutch gave you when the O'Driscolls showed up, planning on stealing the score from the two of you.

You lent back against the tree behind you, hearing the bullets hitting the other side of the trunk. Glancing over to the side, you saw Javier ducking down behind a large rock.

The two of you continued to occasionally lean out of your cover, shooting at the over men. There was only one O'Driscoll left when you heard Javier call out in pain, your gaze instantly landed on him. He had been shot and fell down behind the rock again, propping himself up against it.

You cursed under your breath before stepping out from behind the tree, shooting the remaining O'Driscoll before holstering your gun. You hurried over to Javier, dropping down to your knees beside him.

"Are you alright?" you asked, trying to spot where he had been shot. You instantly noticed the blood stain on his shirt, slowly seeping through his clothing.

"Sure" Javier moved his arm and groaned in pain, making you frown.

Gently pulling his hand away from his wound, you saw that he had been shot in the shoulder. The bullet hadn't hit anything vital, it wasn't fatal but it had to be tended too.

"Come on, we need to get somewhere safe" you told him as you stood up, then helping him to his feet.

You wrapped your arm around his waist and helped him over to your horse, giving him a helping hand as he mounted the animal. You quickly mounted the horse as well before riding away from the scene, his horse following behind yours.

Finally, the two of you reached a safe spot. A little area surrounded by trees, offering privacy and safety. You dismounted your horse and hitched both of them to a tree, before helping Javier down.

"I'll be right back" you assured him as you left him sitting on a tree stump. You moved quickly, setting up a quick makeshift camp and starting a little fire.

Once everything was set up, you sat Javier down in front of the fire and gathered your supplies, placing them down next to where you knelt beside him.

"How are you feeling?" you asked as you gently removed his jacket, helping him slip his arm out of the sleeve.

"Like I've been shot" Javier tried to joke as you placed his jacket down. "If I hadn't been shot, I'd be enjoying the fact that you are undressing me" he told you as you started unbuttoning his shirt.

"If you hadn't been shot, I'd hit you" you retaliated, making him chuckle. You peeled the blood soaked shirt away from his wound, making Javier's chuckle turn into a quiet hiss. "Sorry" you apologised, feeling genuinely bad for hurting him.

"It's alright" Javier assured you, helping you fully remove his shirt. You placed the shirt on top of his jacket and grabbed a clean cloth, wetting it with some water.

"I'm going to clean up some of the blood so that I can see the wound...this is the easy part" you told him as you began to wipe away the blood.

"You know what you're doing, right?" Javier asked and you couldn't blame him for being concerned, you would have to remove the bullet and it wasn't a fun procedure.

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