Molly O'Shea: Deserve Better

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Molly O'Shea X Female Reader

Summary: Dutch has been ignoring Molly and you think she deserves better.

This wasn't requested but I wanted to give Molly a girlfriend...sorry XD

Word Count: 3500

It was late in the evening, you had just come back from a job, and all you wanted was to grab a drink and take a seat at the campfire. However, life could not be that easy. As you were walking past Dutch's tent, you heard angry voicing coming from inside.

"I've seen you looking at her, Dutch" Molly's accusatory voice came from the closed tent, making you stop in your tracks.

"Who?" Dutch asked, sounding disinterested and tired.

"You know who! Getting too old for you, am I? That's how it usually works with you, isn't it?" Molly asked, making your heart ache. You shouldn't be listening, you knew that you shouldn't but you couldn't help it. This wasn't the first time that Molly and Dutch got into a fight, they hadn't been doing well recently. You hated the way that Dutch was treating her and you wanted to comfort her, to be there for her, but she would never let you so you didn't even offer.

You hadn't even liked Molly when she first joined the gang, you thought that she was a little high and mighty. She seemed to look down on you all, she never helped out around the camp, and that just irritated you. You had cursed yourself for not being able to stay mad at the beautiful Irish woman, you were too soft. But you soon started to see another side of her, she wasn't used to this life and it wasn't an easy transition to make, she was only here because she had fallen in love with Dutch, then Dutch started to forget about her and you saw that she was much more insecure that she presented herself to be. You had developed feelings for Molly O'Shea a little while ago and it pained you to see her being so poorly treated.

"You're delusional...again" Dutch sighed, his tone dismissive and condescending. You nearly scoffed to yourself. Of course Molly wasn't delusional, everyone had seen it, everyone had seen Dutch flirting with Mary-Beth. He was shameless with the way he spoke and looked at the younger woman, it made you sick, how could he do that to Molly?

"Won't even look me in the eye, but you'll look at her all day" you could hear that Molly wasn't just angry, she was upset, she was tired of being ignored and you couldn't blame her.

"It doesn't matter what I say, you'll believe whatever fantasy you're currently living in" he needed to stop talking to her like she was a child, she was right and he was trying to convince her that she was crazy.

"Fantasy? You think this is a fantasy for me?" Molly asked with a slight scoff.

"I don't have the energy for this right now" Dutch huffed. And there is was. Dutch didn't have the energy for her. He never had the energy for her, or the time, or the effort, or the care to make those things for her. Dutch didn't love her, maybe he did once, but not now. He didn't care about her, not the way he should.

"It's written all over you. I'm not stupid, I've been watching" Molly reminded him, reminding him that she noticed everything.

"Oh that much is painfully clear" he spat. God you wanted to burst in there and put him in his place.

"You're playing a dangerous game" she warned him.

"Will you be quiet? I'm trying to read here" Dutch huffed one last time, making you sigh. You just hoped that his book was more important to him than the beautiful woman he was lucky enough to have love him.

As the argument came to an end, you came to your senses and began to walk away, continuing your journey to the drinks crate. Molly came storming out of the tent and nearly walked right into you.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon