Josiah Trelawny: Men Like That

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Josiah Trelawny X Female Reader

Summary: You and Josiah are on a job together and something seems to put him in a bad mood, something that you don't think you have ever experienced from him before. When you try to calm him down and figure whats going on, feelings get revealed.


Word Count: 2500

You smiled at Josiah and he just nodded back at you before he followed the man over to the bar, leaving you sitting at the table alone. You looked around the bar room of the fancy hotel you were in, running a job with Josiah.

Trelawny had come into the camp this morning with a big smile on his face and told you all about a lead he had. He insisted that you came with him to be his partner for it and you had no problem with spending the day with him.

Truth be told, Josiah just wanted to get some time alone with you. It might have been a job but why couldn't it be a date as well?...even if he never actually asked you on a date since neither of you had confessed your feelings for each other. Josiah wasn't usually so hesitant about being honest with his feelings but you meant a lot to him and he didn't want to lose you if you didn't feel the same way.

After glancing around the room, the other tables boring you, your gaze landed back on Josiah and the man. The man who was the target you were here for in the first place. Almost as soon as you turned your attention back to them, you frowned.

Josiah seemed upset, maybe even angry, about something. He seemed tense and he had a tight smile on his face, like he was trying to look polite and not make a comment. The man didn't seem to notice it but you definitely did .

You very rarely saw Josiah without a smile, it was even more rare that you saw him so clearly irritated by something. He was a good actor, he was usually good at hiding when he was annoyed, but apparently not today. You couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

You stood from the table and walked over to the bar. "Hi, is everything alright?" you asked, smiling politely at the two men.

"Of course, nothing for you to worry your pretty little self about" the man assured you, making you cringe a little but you hid it well.

"Sweetheart, how about you go up to the room and I'll be up in a minute?" Josiah suggested, turning his attention to you. He was gritting his teeth slightly, again the man didn't seem to notice.

"Oh, uh, sure" you nodded, trying not to look too confused. Why was Josiah calling you 'sweetheart'? He had never called you that before and you weren't suppose to be acting like a couple for this job, so what was going on?

Before walking away you gave him a concerned look, Josiah just nodded to reassure you before you left the bar.

You made your way up the stairs to the floor that your rooms were on. You and Josiah had rented two rooms beside each other, you were about to go into your room but then decided to wait in Josiah's room instead. You wanted to see him when he finished talking to the target and came up to the rooms. You wanted to know what was going on.

So, you waited, pacing the length of the room. Eventually you tried to relax and sat down on the foot of the bed.

After some more waiting, you finally heard the door open and close. Actually, the door was slammed closed, which make you flinch slightly. You shot up from the bed, on your feet just in time to see Josiah walking towards you, tossing his hat onto the vanity table and muttering to himself.

"Josiah, what's going on?" you asked, concerned about what had bothered him so much. Your gentle voice snapped Josiah out of his thoughts and he turned to look at you, seemingly only just noticing that you were even there. He really had been lost in his thoughts, hadn't he?

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