Arthur Morgan: Overprotective Part 2

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Arthur Morgan & Younger Sister Reader
Charles Smith X Female Reader (Arthur's sister)

Summary: You start dating Charles and Arthur has to accept that you are growing up.

Word Count: 1400

Arthur was still going insane watching the other men in the camp flirt shamelessly with you while he stands mere feet away. Sometimes he just couldn't believe how shameless they were.

However, Arthur had started to notice a change. He noticed that you seemed to be noticing their advances a little more. You seemed to subtly shift away when Javier place his hand on your knee, not even moving far enough away to lessen the man's smile. You stood further away from Dutch whenever you were speaking to him, subtly avoiding any touches he tried to make. You still didn't seem to mind Sean's flirtatious behaviour though, you seemed to think that it was just friendly.

Then there was another change. Everyone started to stop flirting with you as much. Javier kept his distance, still offering you smiles and making you laugh but never touching you in a way that wasn't strictly platonic. Dutch was being more respectful, never even trying to touch you or make a flirtatious comment. Arthur didn't know why this change occurred but he wasn't going to complain about it.

There was one change that your brother hadn't noticed though, one that completely passed him by. You had been spending far more time with Charles and the pair of you had been growing close. Maybe Arthur never noticed this because he never saw Charles as a threat. Yes, he knew that Charles was attracted to you but he just didn't think that Charles would make any advances. Turns out, Arthur was wrong.


You sat on the grass, watching the water lap gently against the rocks. The river was a short walk from the camp, this was where the women came to wash the gang's clothes. Right now, you were using it as a place to get away from the gang's gaze.

You glanced over your shoulder when you heard footsteps approaching. "You're late" you scolded playfully, unable to prevent the smile that formed on your face when you saw the familiar man.

"I know, I'm sorry. Sean was telling one of his stories and he wouldn't let anyone leave until he was finished. Just know, I would have much preferred to have been here with you" Charles sighed as he sat down beside you.

"Hmm, you're forgiven" you smiled a little wider, just glad that you got to be with him now. Charles smiled back at you as he wrapped one of his strong arms around you, pulling you into his side as he pressed a kiss to your temple.

"As much as I enjoy these moments with you, I would like to be able to be close to you somewhere that wasn't so secret" Charles confessed, letting you relax against his chest.

"I know...I would like that too" you sighed.

"Why are you so worried about Arthur?" he asked, glancing down at you.

"I wasn't, I mean I never used to be. I always thought that Arthur would be supportive of whatever relationship I chose to have. But a little while ago he told me that he noticed other men in the camp flirting with me, I didn't see what he was talking about, but he seemed to be really bothered by it" you explained. Since you started getting closer to Charles, you remembered that conversation you had with Arthur and you started to worry about telling him.

"Yeah, I noticed that. I thought he was about to explode when I saw him watching you and Dutch" Charles nodded. Of course, he had noticed Arthur being a little protective of you.

"You thought that people were flirting with me as well?" you asked, pulling away from him slightly to look up at him with a surprised expression.

"Of course I did. You were completely oblivious but, trust me, they were definitely flirting with you. I actually used to bother me as well" Charles admitted with a small chuckle, running his hand up and down your waist.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora