Micah Bell: Sickness

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Karma catches up with Micah Bell and he becomes sick, luckily he has you by his side. (Lots of angst)

Word Count: 2100

It's been a long time since you ran with the Van der Linde gang. You knew that anyone in their right mind would question the decision you made, you chose to stay with Micah Bell. You should have left to start a new life, to get a job and maybe even met a new man. You should have gone and started an honest life but you couldn't. Instead, you stayed with the man you loved even if it was insane.

Just as you thought that life might start getting a little smoother, it all came crashing down around you once again. Micah had gotten sick, very sick. You saw it before he admitted that he wasn't feeling well, you saw the changes in him. You begged him to see a doctor, to at least take it easy for a while but he refused too.

It had started with coughing, then he started to seem more tired than usual, then a lost of appetite and a fever. You recognised the symptoms, you could see the similarities but you didn't want to believe it.

Eventually, you managed to get Micah to see a doctor. The trip into town had only confirmed your fears. Micah was suffering from tuberculosis and there was no cure.

Micah didn't seem to care, he wanted to keep going with his life as an outlaw but you kept fighting him about it. It had caused arguments between you both many times but in the end you won, if that's what you wanted to call it.

Now you and Micah had broke away from any last remaining connections to the Van der Linde gang. Micah was dying and you refused to let him run around until he finally dropped down dead. You wanted to prolong your time with him, it was that simple. The pair of you were staying in a cabin, somewhere in the middle of the woods. It was nice and quiet there.


Micah was laying in your shared bed as you sat beside him, gently pushing his hair out of his face. "Maybe we should have moved to California like your brother, maybe he got that part right. The heat might do you some good, that's what the doctor said" you hummed, tracing your finger tips over Micah's cheek.

"It might've been nice to travel over there...but that ain't exactly a choice anymore. The journey alone would probably kill me" Micah chuckled, seemingly unaffected by his own words but they definitely affected you. You fell silent at his comment and Micah instantly saw your face drop. "Oh come on, don't be like that. Cheer up, sweetheart" he sighed, reaching up to your hand that was on his cheek and holding it in his own.

"I'm fine, don't worry" you attempted to assure him but he could see right through your act.

"No you ain't, you don't have to lie to make me feel better" Micah assured you as he brushed his thumb over your knuckles.

"I only want to make you feel better" you sighed, this time making Micah paused. Nobody has really cared about him before. He was pretty sure that anybody who knew him would be thrilled to hear about his current state. Yet, here you were. You wanted him to get better, all you wanted was to cure him. He still didn't know what he did to deserve you.

"See, that's real sweet of ya but I'm never going to feel better. I'm only going to get worse" Micah reminded you. Was that really an attempt to make you feel better?

"Don't remind me" you mumbled, looking down at you lap.

"Oh stop whining and get your sweet ass into this bed" Micah encouraged, gently tugging on your hand. No, that was his attempt to make you feel better. He wasn't good at comforting or even talking, but he still knew how to get a smile out of you to an extent.

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