John Marston: Belong

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John Marston X Modern Female Reader

Summary: You have mostly adjusted to your new life in 1899, feeling a sense of belonging. Especially with a certain cowboy.

Word Count: 1800

John had always thought you were strange. That wasn't a bad thing, you were just different, just...strange. The way you talked, the things you talked about, the way you acted. It was all different and yet familiar enough to not cause too much alarm. The best way John could describe it was strange.

After running with them for a little while, you finally caved to all the questions, explaining that you weren't from 1899 but from the future. Nobody believed you, which you expected. But slowly, over time, people started to believe you.

John had always been a little interested in you, finding you both attractive and interesting. Though, he never made any sort of move, only having short and casual conversations with you in the past. Then Jack seemed to take a liking to you and that meant that John was around you more than usual.

Jack loved when you would tell him stories, you had so many that he had never even heard of before. Sometimes you would tell him stories from your childhood, stories that hadn't even been written yet. Sometimes you would tell him about fast cars, speed boats, and airplanes. Of course these were all things you too for granted in your time but to Jack they were just stories. Jack was the only person you told about these things since he was just a child and you had seen enough time travel movies to know not to tell people from the past about the future.


You had been sitting at the campfire, enjoying the quiet company of Bill and Javier. Eventually they had stood from the fire and walked away, you were about to do the same but were stopped.

"Alright, tell me one of your stories about the future" John spoke as he sat down beside you, a bottle of beer in his hand, looking towards the fire.

"I can't do that" you laughed softly, shaking your head at him.

"Why not?" John asked, looking at you with an offended expression that made you laugh slightly again. "You tell Jack things and he won't tell me or his mother" he just looked confused now.

"Yeah, because I told him to keep it a secret" you shrugged, enjoying how frustrated John seemed.

"But why?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

"Everyone knows that you can't tell people about the future. That's like time travel 101, one of the most important rules. At least according the the movies I've watched" you told him with another small shrug.

"What?" John asked, confusion still written all over his face.

"I've said too much" you laughed and he found himself laughing along a little bit.

"Clearly not everyone knows that rule or whatever" John commented as you stopped laughing.

"Well...many people from my time know that, I think anyway" you chuckled, shaking your head again but this time at yourself.

"I don't think I've ever asked you but, uh, how are you adjusting?" John asked, sounding like he genuinely cared.

"Y'know, I don't think anyone has asked me that" you hummed, watching the flames dance.

"Really?" John frowned a little bit.

"Really. Sometimes people ask how it's different from my time but don't really ask how I've adjusted to it. So, thanks" you smile at him.

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