Dutch Van der Linde and Josiah Trelawny: Friendly Competition Part 2

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Dutch Van der Linde X Female Reader
Josiah Trelawny X Female Reader

Summary: The two men confront you about their feelings and you have choice to make.

Hey! It's a multiple choice chapter! The end will give you a choice between choosing Dutch, choosing Josiah and choosing neither of them.

Word Count: 2200

Josiah and Dutch had spent a lot of time talking about their feelings for you, spending a lot of time deciding what they were going to do. They both wanted to confess their feelings for you, both being confident that you would return their affection. They had even argued about how to approach you about this.

Neither of them thought it would be fair for just one of them to confess to you, they both had very deep feelings for you and wanted to let you know that. You deserved to know everything before making your own decisions. However, they didn't want you to feel ambushed by the information either, they didn't want to make you feel pressured to choose either one of them.

Still, they thought that just telling you everything and being honest was the best way to approach the situation.


"Okay, now can one of you tell me why were are here?" you asked, laughing a little bit to yourself, as you followed the two men through the saloon and to one of the tables at the back of the room.

"You need to have some patience" Dutch chastised fondly, smiling at you over his shoulder before you all reach the table in the far corner.

"Here you go" Josiah smiled as he placed the three drinks down on the table and pulled the chair out for you to take a seat.

"Alright, you two are acting weird. Can you please just tell me what is going on?" you couldn't help but find their behaviour a little amusing, yet concerning at the same time.

Dutch and Josiah had invited you to join them for a few drinks in town, saying that they wanted to talk to you about something. You had no idea what they wanted to talk about but you were curious to hear it, so you went with them. Josiah had bought the drinks before the three of you sat at a secluded table at the back of the saloon, as private as you could get here.

"We have a rather...delicate matter to discuss with you" Dutch explained, his choice of words make you a little nervous. This must be serious.

"Dutch, you're scaring the poor girl. It isn't anything to worry about, we just wanted to let you know something" Josiah tried to reassure you and help you relax.

"Has something happened?" you asked with concern, glancing between them both.

"No, no, nothing bad" Dutch shook his head.

"Okay...just tell me" you nodded, unable to ignore the tension between the three of you.

"Would you like to start, Dutch?" Josiah asked, glancing at the other man, deciding to let him speak first. He was the boss after all.

"Sure" Dutch nodded at Josiah before turning to you, looking at you intently. "I'm not too sure how to tell you this. Trust me, I'm normally better at these sorts of things but this is a special case" he admitted, letting out a small sigh. "You are a wonderful woman, Y/n. I think that you're intelligent, witty, and beautiful. It's fair to say that I have found myself falling in love with you" he confessed his feelings for you and he had to admit that it felt good to get it off of his chest.

You only looked at him with surprise written all over your face. You opened your mouth to speak but quickly closed it again your gaze quickly flickering between Dutch and Josiah.

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