Kieran Duffy: Blind

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Kieran Duffy X Female Reader

Summary: Kieran went missing but returned a few days later after being held by the O'Driscolls. Kieran didn't give him them any information so they decided to take something from him.

Word Count: 2900

The gang had a party last night and you had to confess that you had a lot of fun. You spent most of the evening with Kieran, drinking, dancing and laughing together. You couldn't really remember when you got separated, spending the rest of the night apart. All you knew now was that you regretted not staying by his side.

Once the morning came, you couldn't find Kieran anywhere. Not only was Kieran missing, his horse, Branwen, was missing as well.

Nobody seemed to care much about it, nobody seemed to be planning to find him. You, on the other hand, were worried sick and had even asked Arthur to search for him but he had told you that he wouldn't even know where to begin, he did seem sympathetic though. You knew that Arthur had grown fonder of Kieran over time and a part of you could understand that he wouldn't know where to start searching.

Now, it had been days since you saw Kieran. Everyone could see the toll it was taking on you, the other members of the gang have been careful around you, not wanting to upset you. They all knew that you and Kieran were very close, you had been together since they were in Clemens point, it was clear that you two both loved each other very much. They understood what you must be feeling right now.

Dutch had insisted that Kieran had just run away, probably back to the O'Driscolls. You had argued with him about that, knowing that Kieran would ever do that. The O'Driscolls were cruel to him, he wasn't loyal to those men, he was loyal to you and the gang now. You knew that. Dutch backed down, no matter what he believed about Kieran he knew better than to talk to you about it. It was just insensitive.

It was late morning at Shady Belle and you were sitting on a bench, sheltered by the shade from the large house. You were still worried sick, your thoughts constantly focused on Kieran, worried about where is was or what could be happening to him.

The sound of a horse approaching caught everyone's attention, slowly each member of the gang glanced up to see who was entering the camp, some hovering their hands over their guns. As you looked up and the horse came into view, you froze.

The horse that was wandering into the camp, seemingly distressed, was definitely Branwen. On top of Branwen was Kieran, holding the saddle horn instead of the reins. A part of you relaxed, Kieran was here and everything was alright, but another part of you worried further, something wasn't right.

You stood from your seat before hurrying over to Kieran and his horse, along with a few other members of the gang.

As you got closer to Kieran, you saw what was wrong. Kieran had a piece of cloth wrapped around his eyes, the cloth tied into a knot at the back of his head. What really made your stomach drop was the fact that the cloth was bloody. You could guess why the cloth was tied around his eyes but you hoped that you were wrong.

Branwen was distressed and only got more agitated when more people hurried over to him. Arthur had attempted to calm the horse but Branwen only seemed more fearful. You placed your hand on Arthur's arm to get his attention, he looked down at you and nodded before stepping back into the crowd.

You stepped closer to the horse, smiling when you saw that he recognised you. You calmly soothed the horse, running your hand over his mane and shushing him. Everyone remained quiet as you calmed the horse, not wanting to scare the horse away. A few members of the gang took in Kieran's appearance and whispered between themselves, coming up with theories of what happened.

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