Waking up Beside Them

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Request: you are in a relationship and you wake up next to each other.


You Wake up Before Them-

You always love waking up to see Arthur still sleeping beside you because it means that he was actually getting sleep, that he wasn't over working himself for the rest of the gang. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. You never want to disturb him so you decide not to move until he wakes up. A soft smile forms on his lips when you gently brush your finger tips against his cheek.

They Wake up Before You-

Arthur has a habit of not sleeping much, which you try to change but sometimes he just gets so busy. The only reason he doesn't get out of bed when he wakes up is because you are sleeping beside him. He just doesn't have it in himself to disturb you, especially if you are laying in his arms. Early morning like this are just one of the things that make him feel lucky, to have you in his arms. He can't help but admire your sleeping face, you look so content and peaceful.


You Wake up Before Them-

If you wake up before Dutch, you probably wake up in his arms. You are usually quite happy to just stay in his arms, either falling back to sleep or waiting for him to wake up. When you move closer to him, his arms tighten around you instinctively. Sometimes he mumbles a quiet 'morning' before falling right back to sleep, he didn't really wake up properly in the first place.

They Wake up Before You-

When Dutch wakes up, he will wrap his arms around you again, holding you closer while you sleep. He will gently stroke your hair, pushing it out of your face, and press a gentle kiss to your forehead. He chuckles quietly to himself when he earns a slight smile or soft hum from you. He doesn't want to wake you up but sometimes he will have to get up to do something involving the gang, in that case he will let you sleep, leaving you with a sweet kiss on your forehead.


You Wake up Before Them-

It's pretty rare that you wake up first but you enjoy it to an extent, you like being able to see him sleeping because it means that he is getting some rest. You also like it because it's a moment were Micah looks content and relaxed, not furrowing his brow, frowning or snarling, just peaceful. You can't help but smile at him. If you reach out and touch his face or hair, his brow does furrow but he slowly relaxes again under your touch.

They Wake up Before You-

Micah usually wakes up before you, he doesn't sleep much unless he drank the night before. Micah takes the chance to properly admire you when he knows that he won't be caught. He doesn't like people to think of him as sentimental or soft. But he does love you and he found that just having you sleeping beside relaxes him. He wouldn't say it out loud but it is one of his favourite ways to wake up.


You Wake up Before Them-

It's rare but it's pleasant. When you wake up before Charles, you wake up in his arms, against his chest. It's almost always like this. Charles is pretty still when he is asleep and he's strong so if you want to move, good luck with that. But when you turn to face him, cuddling further into his chest, his arms tighten around you protectively but comfortably. It won't be long before he wakes up as well so just enjoy the moment.

They Wake up Before You-

Charles usually wakes up before you and he used to get up for the day pretty much as soon as he woke up but he doesn't do that so much anymore. Unless he has a job to go on or wants to leave early for a hunt, he likes to lay with you and definitely tries not to wake you up. He's happy to just hold you until you wake up, making sure you're comfortable and stroking his hand soothing and affectionately through your hair it up and down your back or arm or anything like that.

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