Micah Bell: Choose Your Side Part 3

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: you teach Micah the ways of the simple life.

Word Count: 1600

Awkward. Awkward was probably the best way to describe at least the first week of Micah staying at your house. During the first two days Micah had kept trying to act like everything was normal but he finally started to listen to you, taking a step back and waiting for you to let him know when you were ready to rekindle anything that remained of your past relationship.

Micah was staying in the smaller bedroom, the room that you next really had much of a use for. He started helping around the ranch, which you genuinely appreciated, at least he wasn't sitting around doing nothing.

Now, it had been two months. Things had settled down and Micah seemed to be adjusting to his new lifestyle. Things could still get somewhat awkward between you both but occasionally there would be moments that it started to feel like the old days, when everything was still normal between you both.


It was dark outside now and Micah was sitting on the couch in the living room, in front of the fire, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. You walked into the room but he didn't react, seeming lost in thought as he stared down at the glass in his hand.

You walked around the back of the couch before sitting on the opposite side to Micah, this seemed to make him notice your presence and glance at you.

"Want a drink?" Micah asked and you just nodded.

He lent forward, placing his glass down on the coffee table, to pour you a drink. You just watched in silence as he filled another glass with whiskey. He picked up the two glasses before leaning back against the couch, holding out he new glass to you.

"Thank you" you mumbled as you took the drink from him.

"Are you alright?" Micah asked, his brow furrowing.

"Are you sure that this is the life you want?" you asked the question that had been playing on your mind for a while, since you brought Micah home in the first place.

"'Course I am, why?" Micah frowned slightly.

"You've always said that you could never settle down. You always said that you would be an outlaw until the day you died, always mocked your brother for settling down, made fun of John and Abigail for even thinking about it. So, what changed?" you asked and with that explanation, Micah understood where your questions where coming from.

"I told you, the last few years have been rough. Not because of the travelling or running or anything like that, I'm used to all of that stuff but because you weren't there. If you had been there, I wouldn't have minded it at all" Micah confessed, shifting in his seat. You knew how uncomfortable he got when he was being vulnerable, apparently that hadn't changed. "To be honest with ya, I'm tired. I've had enough of all that shit. You're right, I never thought I would settle down, I never wanted to. I guess somethings just change" he shrugged.

"So this is where you want to be? You aren't going to just change your mind and run off, right?" you asked, cursing the insecurity in your voice.

"I ain't going nowhere. Not if you don't want me too" Micah promised as he placed his glass down on the table and moved to sit closer to you. "I know you don't trust me and I can't really blame you for that. I know you don't believe me but I really did do what I did for us, not that any of that matters anymore. I don't think I ever apologised so I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you but I did because that's what I'm good at" he apologised, catching you off guard.

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