The Van der Linde Gang: Colm's Daughter

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The Van der Linde Gang & Colm O'Driscoll's Daughter Reader

Summary: Dutch insists that you accompany him to a confrontation with Colm O'Driscoll, your secret gets revealed.

Word Count: 3600

You had joined the Van der Linde Gang a while ago, quickly proving yourself as loyal and useful to them. They took you in and accepted you rather quickly, because of this you felt guilty. You hadn't been completely honest with them, you hadn't told them who your father was.

The daughter of Colm O' weren't exactly proud of that. You had run away from the O'Driscolls and started running with the Van der Linde gang, since then you had no contact with your father and you didn't regret it at all.

Colm had never introduced you to the gang and that's why they didn't recognise you in the first place. Your father hadn't ever truly trusted them so he didn't want you hanging around them.

When the gang first picked up Kieran, you had been paranoid that he would recognise you. Luckily he hadn't been running with the O'Driscolls for very long, you had already left before he joined them so he had no idea who you were. You had been worried about bringing an O'Driscoll back to the camp at all but were relieved to find that he was nothing like the men you had known.


You walked through the camp with Arthur, sharing light conversation as you made your way over to Micah, who was sitting outside of Dutch's tent. Apparently he wanted to talk to Arthur about something, neither of you were confident that this would go well.

"While you and the old man and Dutch have been running around, digging us ever deeper into shit, old Mr Pearson might have gone and lightened the load a little" Micah informed Arthur when he saw you both approaching, making the other man roll his eyes.

"That so?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Ain't ya curious?" Micah asked, looking between you both.

"I guess" Arthur shrugged.

"Pearson!" Micah shouted over in Pearson's direction. When Pearson heard his name getting called, he started walking over to the three of you, looking eager to share whatever he had to say.

"Gentleman, Y/n" Dutch greeted you all as he walked over, probably wondering why you were all hanging around outside of his tent.

"You tell him, fat man" Micah encouraged Pearson as he stood from his seat, his comment earning a quick glare from you. He didn't seem to notice it.

"It's peace, Dutch...the O'Driscolls...I mean, I think there's a way" Pearson turned his full attention to Dutch now as he spoke. You couldn't help but tense at the mention of the rival gang, you completely doubted that there was any way for peace with them. They didn't care about peace.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Dutch asked, squinting slightly at the man. He was clearly doubting it as well.

"Get the words out properly, fat man" Micah mocked, pushing Pearson towards Dutch as he shook his head.

"Cut it out. Wouldn't kill ya to be decent for five minutes" you chastised Micah, only receiving an eye roll from him.

"I met a couple of the O'Driscoll boys on the road into town, things were about to get ugly but you know how I am in a fight, huh? Like a cornered tiger" Pearson went off on a tangent, getting completely off track while Dutch just looked at him, bored and expecting. What was going on?

"Just get on with it, Pearson" you sighed, trying to avoid another stupid comment from Micah.

"Anyway...somehow it didn't, but we got to talking and they suggested a parley to end gentlemen" Pearson explained, finally telling you all what was going on.

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