Arthur Morgan: Snitch

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: When Arthur is away from the camp, you decide to go hunting. When you return, injured from your hunt, you want to make sure that Arthur doesn't find out.

Word Count: 2700

Arthur had told you that he was going to be out of the camp all day, doing a job for Dutch. It wasn't the first time he was out of the camp for the day, of course, but you would have to find something to do to stop you from getting bored. So, you had decided to spend the morning hunting. The idea had come to you when you heard Pearson complaining about not having enough supplies.

So far you had been having some good luck, you had managed to get some venison and deer hides. You planned on spending a little more time hunting before heading back to the camp.

As you were riding your horse, keeping an eye out for any hunting opportunities, you can to a halt. You just caught a glimpse of a bear disappearing among the trees. You had been having some good luck and you and Arthur had hunted down a legendary bear a while ago, so you decided to bring back a bear for Pearson.

You dismounted your horse and started tracking the bear, following it through the woods. Once you caught up with the animal, you saw it feasting on it's latest kill. You had managed to get a pretty good shot on it with your bow and arrow, but it only injured it.

You cursed to yourself as the bear started to charge at you. Before you knew it, the bear was on you and trying to tear you apart. You threw your arms up over your face in a feeble attempt to defend yourself.

Using one hand, you fumbled to get your handgun from your holster before managing to shoot the bear. The large animal fell down dead, it's weight on top of you.

You sighed to yourself and fall back into the dirt, at this point the bear's weight on you didn't even feel too crushing. You were just glad that you were alive and not torn apart by a bear.

You sighed again before pushing the animal off of you and sitting up. Yes, you were alive but you didn't get away unharmed. You had three large gashes across your thigh and matching gashes on your waist, gashes that clearly resembled claw marks. Plus, you could already feel where the bruises were going to form.

Bruises were definitely going to form on your back, ribs, shoulders and probably some one your arms and legs as well but not big ones. You knew that by tomorrow morning you were going to be black and blue.

Using some emergency bandages, that you keep in your horse's saddlebags, you bandaged up your waist and thigh. You would treat them better once you get back to the camp but right now you just needed to not bleed out and actually get back alive.

You collected your game from the bear, packing it all away on your horse, before mounting your horse. You rode back to the gang's camp, thankful that you had the horse to carry you back.

Once you got back to the camp, you dismounted and hitched your horse. You walked around to the side of the horse and opened the saddlebags.

Kieran was by the horses, caring for them as usual, and he saw you return. He also saw you dismount your horse, swaying slightly as you opened the saddlebags. Then he noticed the blood stained bandages around your waist and your thigh.

"Uh...Y/n..." Kieran spoke nervously, wondering what happened, as he approached you. You turned to Kieran but suddenly went light headed, you stumbled but thankfully Kieran caught you so that you didn't fall to the ground. "Dutch!" Kieran called into the camp as he helped you regain you balance.

Those who heard Kieran calling out, looked over and saw you. Dutch, Hosea, Charles and Mrs Grimshaw hurried over to you as soon as they saw you.

As soon as he got to you, Charles took you from Kieran, letting you lean you weight against him as he helped you into the camp.

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