The Van der Linde Gang: Modern Times

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The Van der Linde Gang & Modern Reader

Summary: The Van der Linde gang end up in your time and it's your job to help them adjust to the present day.

This is more like headcanons and random thoughts than an actual chapter, sorry.

Word Count: 1200

If you were to tell anyone who these people living in your house were, nobody would believe you. Oh sure, a gang of outlaws and cowboys from 1899 are living with you, that's believable. You would be locked up for sure.

You already knew who they all were, since you had played the game 'Red Dead Redemption 2', but you totally thought that you were losing your mind when they appeared in your home.

Obviously it took a lot of talking, explaining, questioning, and agreeing to each other's terms before your home also became the gang's home.

It was you and Dutch talking mostly, with Hosea chiming in when he needed too. He was in charge of the gang and this was your home, the two of you had to come to an agreement. The truth was that you were kind of happy to let them stay with you, you did love these characters after all.

You and Dutch finally came to an agreement. They were allowed to stay in your home as long as they didn't break the law, didn't cause any trouble, and helped with chores.

Then...this became your life.


First of all...hide the game from them! You don't want them to see how it all ends for them, they don't have to go through that now, they don't need to feel the hurt that they now get to avoid.

If you are in some form of education, Lenny and Hosea are fantastic study partners. Lenny is interested in learning what you are studying and his questions can actually be really helpful. It's nice to have a fresh pair of eyes on your work and he is great at that. Hosea is wonderful when deadlines are approaching, he keeps you calm and relaxed, offering to help you with your assignments or your studying. Hosea will also keep the others under control when you need quiet.

You suffer through hour long conversations with Dutch about how the world has changed. At first you didn't mind, you understood that there would be a huge adjustment period, but after so long his questions sounded more like whining. Outlaws were no longer a thing, not really. Sure, gangs were around but they were much different to what they used to be. Dutch had to live in society now, he just had to accept that.

You often have to knock Dutch down a few pegs, he forgets that this is your house and you are in charge around here. The others find it really funny.

Of course, you knew that Arthur likes to draw. One day, he was sketching something in his journal and you walked over to him. He looked up at you as you placed a bag down in front of him, telling him that it was a gift. He opened it and found multiple different types of pencils, paints, paint brushes, sketchbooks, and other art supplies. It had cost you a decent amount of money but it was worth it to see the look on his face. At first he refused to accept the gift but you insisted, he only accepted when you told him that you would take it as a personal offence if he didn't. Arthur argued that he didn't even know how to use these things, not properly anyway. You just told him that he had time to practise, it was nice to see him smile.

If you like to draw or anything like that, you and Arthur would sit together and work on your pieces. Enjoying the peace and each other's company, it was a good way to relax and unwind.

John takes a while to adjust, of course he is sceptical about the whole thing. I mean...he just appeared in the future! But the comforts of modern life and your generous hospitality soon wins him over, Abigail seems happier, Jack is safer, he couldn't really complain.

Imagine all the music you could introduce Javier to! The possibilities are endless!

I personally think that Javier would have a preference for classic rock but he would be fascinated with being introduced to all sorts of music. You have got to get this man a guitar so he can learn to play his new favourite songs.

Going shopping with the girls. After all, they are all going to need more modern clothes. The girls do love getting out of the house for the day and going shopping with you, seeing the new fashion and trying out new things.

All these new people in your house makes everything very expensive. All the food you need, the new clothes, everything else they need. They have to get some jobs! But what are they even meant to do?!

At least Pearson helps you with the cooking. You teach him a bunch of new recipes and teach him how to use the modern kitchen appliances.

We all know that everything, especially in the early stages, would be chaotic. They are going to nearly burn your house down, blow things up, flood the bathroom, they are an absolute nightmare.

However, they always make up for it.

When you have had a bad day at work/school/whatever, they always cheer you up. Just watching them being so hopeless is enough to make you smile but if that fails, Sean is right there to make you laugh.

Jack still gets home-schooled. I don't think you can enrol a child that doesn't technically exist into a school. However, you help Hosea with the home schooling. After all, Jack has to learn different things now. You buy the workbooks and textbooks for Hosea to teach Jack with.

Dutch gets really into politics, watching politicians on the news. He doesn't understand all of it, after all there is a lot to catch up on, but he is interested in learning about it. He often talks to you about politics and you do you best to explain everything to him.

Hosea is interested in learning as well, but more about historic events. It's just interesting to him and he wants to know what happened between 1899 and now.

Lots and lots of complaining from Micah, what do you mean he cant commit crimes and be an awful person?! You barely even let him out the house, you never let him leave without a responsible adult. You can't trust him, not yet anyway.

You can tell that Charles is having a hard time adjusting. The modern world takes him so far away from what he knows, so far away from nature and the wilderness. Take this man camping, please!

You talk to Charles about camping, explaining how people tend to do it now. He disapproves. He takes you camping, properly. Completely taking you away from the comforts of the modern world, it is surprisingly therapeutic. You can see why he likes it.

Is everything getting too much? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Need to get away from it all? Go camping with Charles! Sometimes other members of the gang join you both.

It's fair to say that your life has been turned upside down but you couldn't really complain about it. You grew close to the gang very quickly, you wouldn't want to send them back to 1899 at all.


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