They React to Seeing your Killer Months After your Death

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Arthur blamed himself for letting your killer get away in the first place, he should have done better. So when he is in town with Charles and he sees the face that still haunts him, he knew that he wouldn't mess up again. He would do this for you. Charles interrupted him, telling Arthur to think before he acts. He didn't want his friend to regret his decision, knowing that Arthur would definitely reflect on his actions and ask himself what you would have thought if you were still alive. Charles didn't want Arthur to do something that he would regret if he suddenly decided that you would be disappointed in him, we all know how down on himself Arthur can be. They ended up turning your killer into the sheriff's office and the man hangs for his crimes, he was probably a little roughed up beforehand. 


After your death, Hosea had been Dutch's best support system, unsurprisingly. Dutch had expressed his desire for revenge and Hosea had been understanding but warned him that it may not be what he wants, suggesting that he find another way to deal with your death. Then Dutch saw the man while he was with Hosea. Hosea didn't stop him, knowing that he couldn't anyway. Dutch spoke with the man, reminding him of his crimes, getting his revenge when the man showed no remorse. Hosea had been right. It wasn't what he had expected, it didn't feel as good as he thought it would. It didn't change anything, it didn't bring you back.


Micah's biggest regret was letting your killer get away but even he knew that he had to be with you in that moment, not that guy. There was no sightings of your killer for a long time but Micah never forgot his face, he wanted nothing more than to kill him. Then he saw the all too familiar face and he had complete tunnel vision. I'm sure you've already figured it out, but he definitely killed that man, not showing any mercy. The thing that angered him the most was that it didn't give him the relief or closure that he thought it would. He was glad this man was dead and that he got to kill him but it didn't change what happened, leaving Micah possibly angrier than he already was.


We all know that despite Charles' usually calm demeanour, he can suddenly turn to violence when it feels necessary (like throwing Micah to the ground). This is exactly what happens when he sees the familiar face, he just sees red. Arthur interrupts him, telling Charles to think about it. Arthur knew that Charles wouldn't let him do something stupid, he wanted to do the same thing for his friend. If he thinks about it and still thinks that violence is the right answer, he'll be right there beside him, supporting his decision. They end up turning him into the sheriff's office and the man hangs for his crimes. Charles still couldn't resist the urge to punch him square in the jaw.


Javier does curse himself for letting your killer get away in the first place and promises himself that if their paths crossed again, only one of them would walk away. Unlike Dutch and Micah, Javier doesn't expect revenge to make anything better. However, he still kills them when he sees them. He does it to avenge you, Javier just thinks that it's what they deserve. So, he doesn't feel the same disappointment once the deed is done. He can't deny that it still hurts and that you were still unfairly taken from him, but at least he feels like some sort of sick justice was carried out.


It has been a rough few months to put it simply, he hasn't laughed for a long time, then he thinks about how you used to tell him that he could make you laugh no matter what, and it only gets worse. He absolutely hates the man who killed you, he blamed him for ruining his life. When Sean is in town with Arthur, he sees the man. At first he thinks that his mind is playing tricks on him, trying to mess with him. But no, it's definitely him. Everything falls away, becomes unimportant, as he upholstered his gun. He shoots sharper and faster than he ever has, surprising the hell out of Arthur. Once Arthur realises exactly what happened, the grieving Sean is ushered back to the horses. Killing the killer didn't make everything better but Sean felt some sort of satisfaction in knowing that he avenged you, hoping that you could have some sort of closure.

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