Lenny Summers: Forbidden Love Part 4

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Lenny Summers X Female Reader (Agent Milton's Daughter)

Summary: The dreaded confrontation becomes a reality and you make your decision.

Word Count: 3800

After explaining everything to the gang, they allowed you to keep hanging around. It seemed that they trusted you and you couldn't be more thankful for that, it meant that you got to stay with Lenny and that there was one less obstacle in the way of you two being together.

You and Lenny had just received Dutch's blessing and he told you that you could spend the rest of the night in the camp if you wanted, so you did. Lenny took you by the hand and guided you over to a table that was a little more secluded, somewhere you could both talk.

"I'm sorry that all of this happened" Lenny placed his hand on top of yours, running his thumb over your knuckles.

"It's alright, it's not your fault. We knew that it was probably going to happen at some point. I'm just glad that they understand" you assured him, not wanting him to feel bad about anything. It wasn't his fault.

"Honestly, I'm surprised that they all came around and agreed to give you a chance. I mean...it's obviously stupid to have a detective's daughter hanging around" Lenny confessed, making you laugh.

"I know, I'm more surprised than you are but I'm more than happy about it" you smiled. You were still amazed that they continued to accept you but you weren't about to question it.

"So am I" he agreed before leaning in and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss, one that you instantly returned.

The sound of two horses approaching caught the attention of both of you. "Dutch Van der Linde!" an all too familiar voice called as the two agents rode into the camp, not dismounting their horses.

"Agent Milton...what do we owe the pleasure?" Dutch asked as he began to walk over to them. He glanced in your direction, seeing that you are genuinely shocked by your father's presence. He definitely believed you now. Even he wondered how this was going to go down.

The rest of the gang were already upholstering their guns and gathering around the two agents. You and Lenny looked at each other with horror written all over your faces. What was going to happen? What were you meant to do now?

"Where is she?" your father asked, jumping straight to be point by the sound of it.

"I don't believe I know who you are talking about" Dutch titled his head to the side slightly, pretending to be completely clueless.

"Don't play dumb with me. My daughter, where is she?" Agent Milton asked again, demanding an answer.

"You have a daughter? I don't believe you've introduced us" Dutch continued to taunt, a small smirk forming on his face.

"She's missing. Who else would have taken her? If you have hurt her, I can not promise you the justice I had mentioned during our last meeting" Milton threatened.

"You and your justice...I don't think you even know the meaning of the word. Either way, we haven't harmed or taken your daughter. We aren't monsters" Dutch assured the other man.

"Just tell me where she is and this whole thing will be over" the detective gave them another chance but was getting even more impatient. Agent Ross took the time to glance around the crowd, seeing who was there and where you might be.

"It's just the two of you?" Dutch asked, almost sounding amused. What did they really think was going to happen here?

"...we didn't have time to gather any more men" Milton mumbled, clearly frustrated.

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