Micah Bell: Choose Your Side Part 2

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Does everyone deserve a second chance or did Micah just go too far? You go with John, Sadie and Charles to confront Micah seven years after you last saw him.

Word Count: 2600

When you all received the news of Micah being back, you had told them that you probably shouldn't go with them. You had warned them that you could hinder them but they insisted that you should go with them. They convinced you by telling you that it would give you closure, that seeing him again and witnessing his downfall would be a good thing for you, so you gave in and went with them.

You hated being back in the snow again but just kept telling yourself that it will be over soon. You would much rather be back at your ranch in front of the fire, just waiting for the others to return from confronting Micah. You still felt like you shouldn't be here.

To make matters worse, Charles had gotten shot and Sadie had been stabbed. They assured you and John that they would be fine, you believed them but were still hesitant to leave them both. Still, you continued on with John.

Finally, you and John reached a little wooden cabin at the top of the mountain. You grimaced a little but, this is where Micah was staying? You assumed that it was only temporary since it was far from comfortable.

"Micah, if you're here, come out" John called, the two of you look around for any sign of movement.

"Hello, Scarface" the all too familiar voice made you both turn to face him. "...Y/n...honestly didn't expect to see you here" he took a moment to look over you, making you shift uncomfortably. "Did ya miss me?" Micah asked, a smirk growing on his face.

"Not much" John glared at him, not bothering with niceties.

"What about you?" Micah asked turning his attention to you now.

You just stared at him, not trusting your own voice. He had changed, which could only be expected. He had aged, obviously it had been seven years, but he still looked like him. The only things that were really different about him were that he had lost some weight and his hair had turned grey.

"Been a few years" Micah hummed, knowing that you weren't going to answer him. "How's that...whore of yours?" he asked, turning back to John.

"She's-" John began to answer but you interrupted, finally finding your voice to speak.

"You're kidding right?" you scoffed, making the two men look at you. "It's been about seven years and you haven't changed a bit. Goddamn you, Micah Bell" you glared at him.

"What's wrong, darlin'? You think you were going to come up here and I would be a changed man? Was that your plan?" Micah asked, an arrogant smirk still on his face.

"Honestly Micah, I didn't even want to come today" you confessed.

"You were going to spare me? How sweet" Micah chuckled.

"No...I was going to let John come here alone. He convinced me to come with him. I didn't want anything to do with this" you explained. You didn't miss the slight look of hurt that crossed Micah's face but he quickly disguised it.

You looked between the two men and saw that both John and Micah were getting ready to upholster their guns. Maybe you should just let them.

"You know what? You're still an asshole, Micah...I don't know what I was thinking but I don't want to see either of you get shot...so I'm just going to go" you sighed as you turned, starting to walk away.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Micah's voice stopped you, his request surprising both you and John.

"Leave her alone" John warned. Maybe you had been right the first time, maybe he shouldn't have convinced you to come along.

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