The Van der Linde Gang: Modern Times Part 2

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The Van der Linde Gang & Modern Reader

Summary: headcanons for the gang in getting used to modern times. Includes going shopping, going to the cinema, and going on a road trip.

Word Count: 1000

You go to the Mall/go Shopping:

I wouldn't suggesting taking them all at the same time because you'll lose some of them. If you do take everyone with you, you have to use a buddy system and plan to meet up at an agreed time and place.

Sean is so easy to lose because he gets excited and runs off, he needs a leash.

You probably take them all near the beginning of your time together, when you decide that they need some more modern clothes.

The women are happy to wander around and explore new fashions, it being so different from their time.

You have to force some of the men to buy new clothes. You aren't asking anything drastic from them, just a tee shirt and jeans or something. You just want them to get some more modern and, more importantly, clean clothes.

Josiah is a big fan of this adventure. You and Josiah end up dragging Arthur around as you buy him knew clothes. Josiah tries to buy him some more expensive and more formal clothing but Arthur is glad that you suggest something a little simpler.

If Josiah could have it his way, he would be fully in charge of everyone's makeovers. But he cannot have that, so he'll settle for getting himself some new outfits.

Dutch doesn't buy anything cheap. If he has to buy a whole knew closet, he is going to do so correctly. Hosea stops him from going overboard though, you're thankful for that.

Kieran gets flustered when you spend time with him to get him some clothes. It's been a long time since he got new clothes and he just thinks that it is very, very kind of you.

The food court is a nightmare. You have to find enough seats for everyone, everyone wants something different, everyone is shouting over each other. It's like taking a bunch of children, you think they only do it to make your life more difficult. You let Dutch deal with it, you're tired and quickly losing money, he can at least handle this for you. Arthur chuckles and gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

When you get home and see everything they bought, you noticed that they didn't stray far from their usual style. The women have very different clothes to their blouses and skirts, but the men all seemed to stick with jeans and buttons up, maybe a tee shirt thrown in here and there. Perhaps they will get more adventurous as time goes on.

You go to the Cinema:

Getting the gang out of the house and into a public space is difficult enough, taking them somewhere that they have to be quiet is even worse.

Of course they had moving picture shows in their time but nothing like what we have today. Because you decide to take them to the cinema, show them TV and Movies at home so that you can explain everything and answer all their questions on modern technology.

Even once they are used to seeing movies, some members of the gang will still get lost but that's more of a personal thing rather than a time thing.

You often get little questions like "Wait, who is he?", "What's going on?", "this doesn't make sense". The people who normally bug you with these sort of things are Bill, Uncle, Sean, and less often John and Dutch.

You have got to get a lot of popcorn or snacks of some sort, even if it's just to keep them entertained. Don't let Sean have too much sugar though!

Strauss won't even go with you, he just isn't interested, he'd rather stay at him and enjoy the peace.

Micah will probably tag along but complain the whole time, mumbling that the movie is stupid or doesn't make sense.

Arthur isn't a huge fan of movies but he doesn't mind them and will go if you invite him.

You go on a Road Trip:

If you are going to do a road trip with the whole gang, you're going to need more than one car. have to teach some of them to drive.

The members of the gang who you succeed at teaching the best are probably: Dutch, Hosea, Lenny, Sadie, Mary-Beth, Tilly, Abigail (not in that order but yeah). You can teach Arthur and Charles, they are pretty good drivers but don't like it much. You don't really know why. Kieran can drive but is a super nervous driver, probably gradually relaxes but that will take a very long time.

You're probably going to spend the nights in camps rather than motels or anything like that. They know what they're doing and you'll all sit around the campfire and they will reminisce about their time, telling you stories.

Dutch likes to think that he has the whole thing planned out but you and Hosea are the real masterminds behind the trip. Dutch throws orders around, telling everyone the schedule and pointing out the route on the map. It makes him feel good but he would be completely lost without you.

Pearson is in charge of snacks but checks with you first, just wanting to make sure they are suitable for the occasion.

Uncle can't help. He had Lumbago. Will remind you every minute.

Sean has to use the bathroom every five minutes. You have to stop him from drinking so much otherwise you're not going to get anywhere.

Also Sean is constantly asking "are we there yet?" and "how much further?" He is more of a child than Jack.

Javier is in charge of making the road trip playlist and he does a really good job.

You have to threaten to leave Micah behind at every stop, earning a mumble from him before he tries to be on his best behaviour.

Arthur really looks forward to it. He knows that it's probably going to get a little stressful and he is going to have to help out a lot but he is excited to see everything you have planned. He's excited to see the sights and new landscapes. He takes his camera with him as well as his journal to record everything. You've introduced him to technology and new ways to record memories and things but he still prefers his journal. You surprise him with a new camera though, especially for the trip.


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