Micah Bell: Innocent-Minded Part 2

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Micah Bell X Innocent-Minded Reader

Summary: You finally get Micah to make a real move.


Word Count: 3100

When they rest of the gang realised that you were getting close to Micah, that you were getting involved with him, they were more than surprised. More than a couple of them had tried to talk you out of it, some were more subtle than others.

Some members had sat down with you, offering you a drink as they asked you about your relationship with Micah, asking what exactly was going on between you both. Whenever you expressed that you knew what you were doing, that you wanted to get close to Micah, they mostly backed off and dropped the subject. However, other members of the gang were more forward about their concerns. They straight up attempt to deter you from spending time with Micah, reminding you of all the things they didn't like about him, even when you told them that you knew who is was and that you had befriended him despite that.

Some members of the gang seemed to treat you like a child, which you hated, because of how innocent-minded they knew that you were. They just didn't think that your best match would be Micah Bell.

However, they couldn't be more wrong. Yes, you and Micah weren't exactly similar and you didn't always understand his jokes or comments, but you found yourselves enjoying each other's company. You started to find his crudeness endearing in a way and he found you beyond endearing. The way you got all flustered whether you understood the innuendo he was making or not, he thought it was adorable.

As Micah spent more time with you, he had grown even more fond of you. He found himself enjoying your company, wanting you beside him even when he wasn't in the mood to talk, never mind tease you. He simply wanted to be around you, he wasn't sure why, but he was glad that you seemed to return his wishes. You wanted to spend time with him too, and for now that was enough for him.


You sighed happily, finally finishing your chores for the day. You pushed your hair out of your face before turning back to the camp, only to nearly walk into somebody.

"You look...ravishing" Micah complimented. Well, you considered it a compliment coming from Micah, others might not see it that way.

"I look the same that I do every day" you shrugged as you looked up at him, unable to stop the blush that made it's way to your cheeks.

"Well, yes, and you always look ravishing" he smirked, loving the way that he got you flustered.

"Thank you, you're too kind" you tried to laugh it off, trying to convince him that he wasn't having any effect on you but he wasn't buying it.

"I'm far from kind" Micah told you but you just shrugged, you already knew that. "I'm not a good man but...I think you like that, don't you?" he asked, smirking again as he managed to move himself closer to you.

"I don't know what you're talking about" you gave him yet another shrug, unable to meet his gaze.

"Would you like me to ravish you?" Micah's smirk only grew when your face turned bright red.

"God Micah, people can see" you reminded him as you placed your hands on his shoulders and push him away. The push was gentle and you knew that Micah could have easily fought you, but he didn't.

Micah only chuckled to himself and shook his head as you walked away from him. You were sure that your face was on fire.


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