Orville Swanson: Intruding

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Orville Swanson X Female Reader

Summary: You and Orville have had feelings for each other for a while but never admitted it to each other. When Swanson accidentally invades your privacy, you both face your feelings for each other.

WARNINGS: NSFW/smut (the first part has no smut!)

Word Count: 3000

It was an early morning in the camp, everyone was just getting ready for the day. It was peaceful, relative to how it normally was around here. You grabbed yourself an empty cup before starting to pour some freshly made coffee for yourself.

"Good morning, Y/n" Reverend Swanson greeted you politely as he walked over to you.

"Good morning, Reverend" you smiled back. "Coffee?" you offered, holding the cup up a little higher to further get your offer across to the man.

"Oh, uh, yes please" Swanson accepted, his smile growing slightly. You simply smiled a him again, handing him the coffee that you had just poured before picking up another empty cup. "Thank you" he nodded as he took the cup from you.

"You're welcome" you smiled as you poured yourself another cup of coffee. "How are you feeling?" you asked as you turned back to him. You knew that Orville was trying to kick his afflictions and he was doing really well. You had been there to support him through it and have been nothing but proud of him. He had tried to beat his addictions before but this time he seemed to being really doing it.

"Fine, thank you...very well, actually" Swanson nodded, his smile growing again.

"That's great-" you began to speak but got interrupted by somebody calling your name.

"Y/n! Can I borrow you for a moment" you heard Dutch call for you, making you sigh as you stopped speaking mid-sentence.

"Yeah! Coming" you called back, rolling your eyes. "Sorry, I'll see you later" you flashed a smile at Orville, feeling bad for having to cut your conversation short. You lent up and softly kissed his cheek before turning and walking away to see what Dutch wanted.

Orville watched you walk away with a light blush on his cheeks and admiration in his eyes. He has had serious feelings for you for a while now, but always assumed that you never felt the same way about him.

Still, Orville craved and cherished those little gestures of affection that you gave him. The sweet kisses on the cheek, the way that you hold his hand to comfort and reassure him, the way you rest your head on his shoulder when you're getting tired, the way you fix his hair when it's gotten particularly messed up. All those little things that give him the slightest bit of hope that you might feel the same way about him.

--~NSFW starts here~--

It was getting pretty late now, most of the gang turning in for the night unless they were getting in a few more minutes of peace and quiet around the campfire.

Orville just felt an overwhelming need to talk to you, to just be in your company. You made him feel better than any intoxicant ever had.

So, he walked over to your tent and pulled back the canvas, stepping inside without even thinking about it. It wouldn't be the first time that Orville had come by your tent in the late evening to just talk for no real reason. So he didn't think that this time would be any different.

However, he completely froze at the sight in front of him. You were standing with your back to him and you hadn't seemed to notice his presence, which was probably a good thing. What had instantly caught the Reverend's eye was that you were only wearing your underwear, your torso completely bare. Luckily you were standing with your back to him so you still had your dignity.

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