Charles Smith: The Chief's Daughter

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Charles Smith X Female Native American Reader

Summary: Rains Fall asks Charles and Arthur to save his daughter from the army who took you captive. You and Charles get to know each other as you try to talk your brother out of starting a war that he can't win.

WARNINGS: angst! I'm sorry!

Word Count: 5700

Charles was waiting outside of Rains fall's tent while Arthur was inside, speaking with him. Charles had been trying to help the Wapiti Indians and he knew that Arthur wanted to help them, even if he sometimes pretended to be indifferent to it all.

They had met and been helping the Chief's son, Eagle Flies, for a while. They knew that Eagle Flies had a sister, they had mentioned you a few times and always spoke highly of you. However, no member of the Van der Linde gang had met you, you had always been busy doing something. Rains Fall had mentioned that you worked far too hard sometimes, that you would do anything to make sure that your family was alright.

Apparently, the Army had captured you while you were away from the reservation. Charles had spoken with the Chief, learning about your situation and your father was clearly concerned. That is why Charles had asked Arthur to come to speak with Rains Fall, confident that he would want to help.

"Charles!" Arthur's voice caught Charles' attention. He turned to see the other man walking over to him, having just come from the chief's tent. "We need to get his daughter back, of course. I just ain't sure how" Arthur sighed, seemingly coming to the same conclusion that Charles had come too. They need to bring you back home.

"I've been working on that. I think there's a way. Follow me" Charles nodded as he walked over to the horses, Arthur following behind him. They both mounted their horses before riding away from the hitching posts. "I've been scouting the fort. The army are patrolling all the main roads and bridges in and out but if we can get the horses across the river, I found a route that should get us in fairly close. If we wait until late enough, there's a place we should be able to sneak in around the back" he explained the plan that he had put together to Arthur.

"Okay, whatever you think. I trust ya" Arthur nodded in agreement, it didn't even surprise him that Charles had already thought of and organised a whole rescue mission.

"No guns. Just knives and arrows. If we start making a lot of noise, she'll be dead before we get close to her" Charles told him.

"Okay" Arthur sighed, nodding slightly. He was better with a gun but he knew that Charles was right.

"I left two canoes down river, in case we need another way out of there" Charles explained the escape plan. Just as Arthur suspected, Charles had this whole thing planned out.

"Okay good...have you ever met the Chief's daughter?" Arthur asked. He had heard about you a few times but had never actually met you, Charles spent a lot more time around the reservation so it would make sense if he had met you.

"No, I haven't. I've heard a lot about her, they talk about her a lot at the reservation, I think that they have a lot of respect for her" Charles shook his head, you always seemed to be busy with something.

"Is that so?" Arthur asked, looking over at Charles.

"Well it's just her, the Chief and her younger brother. I guess she looks after them a little" Charles shrugged.

"She got a name?" Arthur asked, since Rains Fall never actually told him your name.

"Y/n" Charles told the other man as they kept riding towards the fort, where you were being held captive.

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