Dutch Van der Linde and Josiah Trelawny: Friendly Competition

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Dutch Van der Linde X Female Reader
Josiah Trelawny X Female Reader

Summary: Both Dutch and Josiah quickly developed feelings for you, while you were completely unaware of how they felt.

Word Count: 2800

You have been a member of the Van der Linde gang for a little while now. Dutch Van der Linde himself had taken you under his wing, he had always been kind to you, helping you in anyway that he could. He made sure that you were settling in well and that you felt at home in the camp, this had led to you both becoming pretty close.

Not too long after you joined the gang and moved into the camp, Josiah Trelawny came by with some new leads. That's when you first met him. Admittedly, Josiah was a very charming man, showing you some of his magic tricks and leaving you with a beautiful flower before having to leave the camp again.

Dutch had been interested in you ever since he met you. He thought that you were a beautiful woman but as he got to know you, his attraction to you only ran deeper until he found himself falling for you. The two of you could talk for hours without getting bored, sharing books and opinions until the sun came up.

You had also caught Josiah's attention from the first time you both met. You were a new face in the camp and he was ready to introduce himself, when you smiled at him he was gone. You were breathtaking. Then, as he spent more time with you, he learnt that you were intelligent and funny. He loved your company and you seemed to enjoy his as well.

However, neither Dutch or Josiah were blind, they could see that both of them were interested in you.


You were just finishing up your chores in the camp when Dutch started walking over to you, a smile on his face and a book in his hand.

"Y/n, I have something for you" Dutch told you. Well, it was more like he was announcing it like he did with most things.

"What is it?" you asked with a smile, dropping everything that you were doing to turn your attention to him.

"I've just finished reading this book, I admit that it's not my first reading. I thought that you may enjoy it" he explained, holding the book up and waving it slightly, making you chuckle a little.

"Let me guess, is it by Mr Evelyn Miller?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at the man. It was common knowledge that Dutch rather admired the author.

"It seems you know me too well" Dutch chuckled, his smile growing. Maybe you paid more attention to him than he though the did.

"Either that or you are just that predictable" you teased. "I have to admit, I've never read any of Mr Miller's works" you confessed, a little surprised that Dutch didn't let out an offended gasp.

"Well, it's never too late" Dutch assured you as he held the book out to you. "The whole point of America is freedom. Freedom of thought, freedom of deed, freedom of action" he quoted as you took the book from him.

"I like that, is that his?" you asked, looking down at the cover of the book. You had to admit that you were curious about why Dutch loved this author's work so much.

"It is, I believe that once you finish reading this, you will understand why I enjoy his work so much" Dutch promised you, making you smile. This wasn't the first time Dutch had let you borrow one of his books, you often recommended books to each other, lending them to each other and later on sharing your thoughts on them.


Josiah was visiting the camp again, dismounting and hitching his horse, leaving Gwydion under Kieran's care. He walked into the camp, his gaze flickering around the camp in the attempt to spot you. And finally, he did spot you and you were walking over to him.

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