The Van der Linde Gang and Javier Escuella: It's a Man's World

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Van der Linde Gang & Female Reader
Javier Escuella X Female Reader

Summary: Hiding the fact that you're a woman from the people you trust with your life is a weird thing. But all you want is respect, all you want is to be treated as an equal. If this is the only way, it's what you'll do.

Just so there is no confusion: the reader is not trans, just disguised as a man to be treated with respect.

M/n = Male Name

Word Count: 4000

You have been running with the Van der Linde for a while now. You had joined them when you helped Dutch out of a sticky situation and he offered you a place in the camp, ever since then you've been a member of the gang. Most of the camp seemed to respect you, taking you on jobs with them, Dutch would give you your own jobs, they trusted you to get the job done and to do it well. Everything seemed to be going great for you.

The only problem was that you had a huge secret. For a while now, since before the gang, you had been disguising yourself as a man. You just found that people treated you with more respect when they thought you were male, you liked that. When you joined the camp you realised that you had to keep the act up. The men would go on jobs while the women stayed in the camp and did chores, you knew that you didn't want to be stuck doing that, so the act continued.

It wasn't easy by any means.

At the beginning you had cut your hair short. Sure, not all the men in the gang had short hair, Charles was a prime example of that, but you worried that having long hair would just highlight your more feminine features. However, you started to miss having long hair so you let it grow out, just keeping it under your hat when you were around people.

You would bind your chest to make it as flat as possible, wearing loose fitting clothes and thick jackets to hide any feminine curves. That had worked pretty well.

Luckily, you had been given your own tent so you didn't have to bind your chest while you slept. You would be eternally grateful for that since binding wasn't the most comfortable experience.

The most difficult part was that you had convinced them all that you were mute. You were so worried that your voice was too feminine and that it would give you away, so you never really talked. Still, you managed to communicate with them just fine.

Micah and Bill often made fun of you for being feminine looking but you didn't mind that. As long as they were making fun of you for looking feminine, it meant that they didn't know you were a woman. So, it was fine by you.

Something that always made you smile was that Javier never let them get away with mocking you, you appreciated that. You could still remember the last time Bill made fun of you for looking feminine.

It was a late night at Clemens Point, you were sitting with Javier at the campfire, listening to one of his stories about his life in Mexico. That's when a drunken Bill walked over, sitting down a little too close to you.

"You ever had a woman, boy?" Bill asked you, the question surprising you more than anything. Javier was annoyed that Bill had interrupted his story but still looked at you, waiting for an answer. He couldn't help but feel a little curious.

You just nodded, only glancing at Bill before turning your attention to the fire.

Sure, it was a lie but you had to keep up appearances. It was a harmless lie so you didn't care much. Technically you could have had a woman, Karen had flirted with you once when she was drunk. But if you had pursued that, your secret would have definitely been found out. Plus, women had flirted with you in saloons, they thought you were cute since you looked young, having no facial hair and soft features.

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