Short and Shy Reader

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Since you're so shy and Arthur is so bad at flirting, it takes some time for you both to get together. Arthur always thought that your height was endearing, he thought it was kinda cute but he never really paid much attention to it until you hugged him for the first time. The way that your head rested against his chest and he could wrap his arms around you and practically engulf you. He absolutely loves the way that you fit in his arms when he holds you, especially when you're in bed and sleeping curled up against him.


Dutch thinks that you are just precious. Of course, he can be quite the flirt and that always makes you blush. He likes getting you flustered because he thinks that it's adorable, he always tells you that you look cute when you blush or that the pink suits you. Which makes you more flustered. He also finds your height endearing, you just seem so cute. Dutch would often guide you to sit on his lap at the campfire, he loved the way you would blush and you just fit on his lap so perfectly. He's extra protective of you because of your shyness and height so he always has an eye on you, looking out for you.


Micah loves messing with you. He loves getting you all flustered and making you blush, it's one of his favourite things to do. He will tease you about your height but actually finds it rather adorable. Will give you plenty of pet-names, mainly 'sweetheart' or 'doll'. He will make every short joke he can think of and will do the whole resting his arm on your head thing, because he knows that it annoys you. Considering your size, Micah can pretty easily pick you up and he definitely will. Whether it's too annoy you or to get you to the bedroom faster, he will do it. He can tease you but if somebody else makes a comment about your shyness or your height they're going to end up beaten and bruised. He is actually super protective of you.


Charles never really tried to make you flustered on purpose but your naturally shy demeanour meant that you would blush anyway. He still thought that it was kind of cute though. And when you felt particularly shy, he would be patient with you. If you just wanted to sit and not talk, he was okay with that. Charles is a pretty large guy, tall and muscular, so you were a significant amount smaller than him. He was like a brick wall to you, which is kinda attractive to you. He also found your height kind of endearing, he thought it was pretty cute. Yes, he can pick you up like you are weightless, which always gets you blushing.


Before you even start dating, Javier will have a lot of cute pet names for you. Pet names due to both your shyness and your height, gosh he thought you were adorable. He would never make fun of you for your shyness or your height, he doesn't see why he would. But he does like getting you a little flustered and making you blush, it just makes you even cuter. He really just loves you and loves to show you off. He loves having you sit on his lap or just having his arm around you, something about your height just makes it so much more endearing.


Sean is very loud and very obvious about his feelings and his attraction towards you, he isn't going to hide them. This can make you blush and get you a little flustered but he thinks that it is so adorable. He will tease you about your blushing and flustered nature, he will also tease you about your height. He doesn't mean any harm though. He will make short jokes as well as gush about how adorable you are. He'll always have you sitting on his lap at the campfire, he'll throw an arm over your shoulders and kiss the top of your head.


Hosea just thinks that you are so sweet. He thinks that the pink stain on your cheeks is adorable and he can't help but smile when he makes you blush. He finds your height endearing but doesn't really have anything to say about it. He wouldn't tease you about it or make jokes, he wouldn't tease you about your shyness neither. However, you are the perfect height for him to place kisses on the top of your head so he does that a lot.

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