You Kill Someone For the First Time

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Request: You kill somebody for the first time, in self defence, and you are feeling really shocked and messed up. They try to comfort you.


Sure, Arthur has had to resort to violence and it had become a common part of his life but that doesn't mean that he isn't aware of how it could effect other people. He would never want you to have to do something like that but you did, you had to defend yourself and you ended up having to kill somebody. He's quickly there to pull you away from the scene, not wanting you to be around it for too long. He'll hold you, speaking words of reassurance and encouragement. He will apologise for you having to go through that, that you had to resort to that, he never wanted that for you. But he will do whatever he can to help you through it, to help you understand that you had no choice, you did what you had to do, it was self defence and anyone would have done the same thing.


When you and Dutch started getting close, he promised himself that he would keep you safe, that he would try to make your life as comfortable as possible, even in this sort of life style. When he saw what happened, he's there in an instant. He's already wrapping his arm around you, moving you away from the scene, apologising for not getting there sooner, and promising you that everything was going to be alright. Once you're somewhere safe he'll turn his attention to you more, he lets you talk through it and offers comfort when you need it. If you don't feel up to leaving the camp for a while, that it completely fine and he'll be there with you. He makes sure that you understand that you did what you did in self defence, you did what had to be done, nothing more, nothing less, and that's alright. You aren't a killer, you just had to defend yourself.


Micah doesn't notice the look on your face at first. Death and killing is just something that's normal to him now, he didn't even think about how you haven't killed someone before or how that might effect you. He's been doing it all his life, he didn't even have to think about it anymore. Still, he notices that you aren't responding to him, then he sees the look of horror on your face. Micah curses to himself, not really sure what to do. He knows that he has to get you away from the scene before anything else. He wraps his arm around you securely, ushering you away.1 Micah isn't sure what to say but he tries to help, he tries to get you to see that you didn't have a choice and that they deserved it anyway. If you didn't kill them, he would have done it. He tries to minimise what you did, like you hadn't just killed someone. He just assures you that you did nothing wrong. He isn't very good at comforting, he's actually really bad at it, but he will try for you. He doesn't understand why you're so bothered by it, it's something that he does all the time, but it's clearly affecting you and he doesn't like that. He'll hold you if that's what you need, constantly reassuring you that you don't need to worry about what you did.


Charles notices the change in you straight away and feels awful that you had to do something like that, he wished that he had gotten there sooner so that he could deal with it instead of you having to take such actions. But he is there quick to step to support you. Firstly, he takes you away from the scene, encouraging you to not look back at it, you don't need to see that any longer. Once you're somewhere say, he'll sit you down and and get you something to drink, giving you the time to calm down and process what had happened. He will sit with you and when you are ready to talk, he is more than ready to listen. He won't try to downplay what you did. Yes, you killed somebody and he knows that can be very traumatic. However, he will help you come to terms with it and remind you that you only did it because they would have done it to you first. It was self defence, you didn't have much of a choice. He didn't think of you any differently and neither would anyone else.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن