Arthur Morgan: You're Alright

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: you get dragged along to the Mayor's party in Saint Denis, Arthur has to help you through an anxiety attack.

Word Count: 1400

You were going to the mayor's party in Saint Denis. You didn't want to go but Arthur had practically begged you to go with him, since he didn't really want to go either and would enjoy himself much more if you were there.

You had expressed your concerns but he promised to remain by your side at all times, putting some of your worries at ease. In the end, Arthur convinced you to go with him.

Dutch made you and Arthur go into town to get some new clothes, which had annoyed you both a little. The women helped you get ready. You expressed your concerns and nervousness to them as well but they all just gushed about how lucky you were to get to go to the party.

You could feel yourself getting a nervous in the carriage on the way to party but you actually did feel better when Arthur took your hand in his and gave you a reassuring look. As long as Arthur was by your side, you knew that you would be alright.

You had never been good in social situations, especially in large groups of strangers. This whole party is like a nightmare for you. Not only will it be a large group of complete strangers but it is also completely out of your comfort zone. You are wearing a fancy new dress instead of your usual pants, heels instead of your usual boots, and your hair pinned in a formal manner. So, you were already uncomfortable and now you had to socialise with strangers who were nothing like the people you usually associated with.

You made sure to stay close to Arthur as you entered the party. You had to go upstairs to the balcony to speak with Bronte before actually stepping out into the party, the part that you had been dreading the most.

As you moved through the party you stayed with Arthur, your arm wrapped around his. He wasn't great at social situations either so you both mostly stayed on the outskirts of things, joining in on conversations when you thought it could be useful. That's why you were here, after all.

You and Arthur were pretty sure that you had gotten any information that Dutch would want but you still had time so you both hung around the party for a little longer, waiting for Dutch to tell you that it was time to get going.

You were following Arthur through the party but ended up losing him in a crowd, making you panic a little. Your arm had just slipped away from his when somebody bumped into you. You looked around, trying to spot the familiar face in the crowd but had no luck.

You started to get a little overwhelmed by everything that was going on, the talking, the music, the amount of people. You couldn't fight off the feeling of everyone watching you even though you knew that it was just your imagination.

A hand landed on your shoulder making you gasp and turn to face whoever it was, relaxing slightly when you saw Arthur. You may have relaxed a little but he saw that you were looking at him with wide, scared eyes.

"Are you alight?" Arthur asked, already knowing the answer. You just nodded your head but Arthur wasn't convinced. Arthur has seen you have anxiety attacks before, he knew that situations like this could trigger them. "Hey, look at me" he encouraged as he took both of your hands in his.

"You are alright, okay?" Arthur assured you and you just nodded but he knew that his words weren't really getting through to you. "You're alright, follow me" he tried to reassure you again before wrapping his arm around you and beginning to guide you through the party.

Arthur could feel your breathing getting heavier, almost like you couldn't breath, as you made you way through the party. He looked around and when he saw no guards, he guided you into the large house. He continued to walk you down the hallway, opening one of the doors and peeking inside to see that it was an office of some sort. He gently pulled you inside and closed the door, making sure to lock it.

"Just sit down and breath, okay?" Arthur ordered gently, guiding you over to the office chair behind the desk and letting you sit down. "It's just you and me, nobody else. You're alright, take as much time as you need" he smiled in a reassuring manner as he knelt down in front of you, gently holding your hands in his own.

Arthur has seen you have small attacks and larger attacks, he's seen them last ten minutes and he's seen them last half an hour. He had a feeling that this was going to be a relatively short one but he could never be sure.

"Keep looking at me, I am right here. I'm not going anywhere" Arthur assured you, knowing that sometimes focusing on somebody or a voice can help you centre yourself. He gently cupped your face in his hands to make sure you were looking at him.

"Y/n, darlin', can you talk to me? I need you to talk to me" Arthur encouraged, needing to know that you were okay and present.

"I-I'm okay...ju-just give me a minute" you assured him as well as you could. Arthur nodded and took his hands away from your face, taking your hands in his again.

After a few more minutes your breathing returned to normal and you were feeling much better, a lot more present.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to come. You said that you didn't want to and I made you, I'm sorry that I'm such a fool" Arthur apologised, feeling bad that he had made you come along in the first place.

"You don't have to apologise, I was actually having a good time before I freaked out...I hate that I do this. I'm sorry that I'm a burden" you sighed. You hated having these attacks, feeling like you were slowing everyone down.

"You are not a burden at all, don't talk about yourself like that. I would much rather be in here with you than out there with those people" Arthur smiles, making you laugh.

"Thank you" you smiled down at him, Arthur always made you feel better.

"Anytime" he smiled back up at you.

"Did I mention how handsome you look tonight? You've cleaned up well" you complimented as you ran your fingers through his hair.

"No, I don't think you've mentioned it. Thank you, and you look beautiful" Arthur returned your compliment, making you smile again.

"Do you want to go and find Dutch?" you asked, even if you would much prefer more time alone with Arthur.

"No, I think we should just stay here for a little while longer" Arthur shook his head, patting your knee as he stood up and started looking around the office.

You smiled to yourself before searching through the draws, you might as well have a look since your here, there might be something important or at least interesting.

"Arthur" your voice caught his attention, making him turn back to you. You were sitting back in the chair, holding up a bottle of expensive champagne, with a smirk on your face.

"You have good taste" Arthur complimented, a smile spreading over his face.

"Oh, I know" you smiled back, chuckling a little.

Arthur glanced around the office again and spotted a table on the back wall of the office. On top of the table was a silver tray, holding a bottle of expensive bourbon and four bourbon glasses. He quickly grabbed two glasses before walking back over to you.

You remained in the office chair while Arthur sat on the desk in front of you. Arthur opened the champagne before filling the two glasses, handing you one while keeping the other for himself. You clinked your glasses together and smiled at each other before drinking from them.

"Do you think this was a gift?" you asked, referring to the bottle of champagne that you found in the draw.

"Probably" Arthur nodded, shrugging slightly. It's not like the mayor couldn't buy another bottle.

"Well, we should send them a thank you note" you joked, making Arthur laugh.

Sitting here with Arthur was definitely the best part of the night, spending time with Arthur was usually the best part of any day. Yes, this was much better than any fancy party at the Mayor's house.


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