You Go Into Labour

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Arthur is honestly terrified to be a father but, at the same time, knows that this is exactly what he wants. A family with you, a life with you. He panics a little when you go into labour but he trusts Miss Grimshaw to guide you through this. He doesn't know what he is meant to do, he feels a little useless and just wants to help. He'll do anything that he gets told to do but will settle with just encouraging you, showing you love and support, telling you that everything will be fine and that you're doing great. When everything is over and Arthur holds his baby for the first time, everything sinks in. Sure, he still has his worries about being a good father but as he looked down at his child he promised himself that he wouldn't mess up. Not this time. He loved you and he loved your child, no matter what. He wouldn't be alone in this, you would figure it out together and he was going to do it right. If nothing else, he would give his child absolute unconditional love.


Dutch is pretty prepared, at least he has the rest of the camp prepared. He has a plan guys! As soon as you go into labour, everyone knows their roles, but you all mostly rely on Miss Grimshaw if your giving birth in the camp (which is pretty much the case with all of these cowboys, thank god for Susan). He's relatively calm, he has the normal worries and concerns but is just more worried and focused about making sure you're alright and helping you through this the best he can. He holds your hand, brushes your hair out of your face, and is just encouraging and supportive. When it's all over, he presses a kiss to your forehead, whispering words of love and praise. He sits with you, holding your child in his arms and smiling down at them. He tells you how much he loves you and your child, how he's going to do the best for you both. As soon as Dutch sees his child, he instantly feels a swell of pride. Pride in himself, in you, and in your child.


Micah is completely sure it'll be a boy and won't accept that it's possible you could have a daughter. He used to believe that children were the woman's duty and always imagined that even if he did have kids one day, he would never be actually involved in their life. He definitely thinks differently now, he wants to be a part of your life and now his children's lives. It might be surprising but he genuinely doesn't want to miss the birth of his child and will be there for you when you go into labour. He has no idea what to do but he's okay with just sitting beside you and speaking words of encouragement. Once it's he tells you how well you did. Micah still isn't good at expressing himself and would never do so to anyone who wasn't you so he insists on everyone leaving you both with the baby, so he can relax and the three of you can just share this moment. In the end, if you do have a daughter Micah won't care. Even though he seemed completely against the idea, as soon as he sees the baby girl he knows that he absolutely loves her.


Charles is calm when you go into labour, knowing there is no point in panicking, he just has to support you and make sure that the birth goes as well as it can. He's probably one of the best gang members to have by your side, holding your hand, stroking your hair, telling you that you're doing well and everything is going fine. (He is also one of the best members of the gang if it came to having to deliver the baby just the two of you, for whatever reason that may be). Once it's over and the baby is born, Charles reassures you that everything went well, that the baby is fine. He tells you not to move and brings your child over to you, the baby looking so tiny in his hands. Eventually Charles kisses the top of your head and tells you to get some sleep, you need to rest. You needn't worry about anything, Charles will take care of everything and watch over your child.


Javier is a little bit panicky when you go into labour but he hides it well. He's been waiting for this moment for almost nine months so he's also excited to finally meet his child. Even if somebody told him to stay outside, he wouldn't dare, he doesn't want to leave your side. He's wants to do this with you. He starts speaking in Spanish without even realising it, whether it's due to his nerves or excitement it doesn't really matter. Once everything settles down, Javier softly speaks words of love to you, telling you how wonderful you are and that you can just rest now, he'll be there with your child when you wake up. When you wake up you'll be greeted with the sight of Javier gently rocking your baby in his arms, softly humming or singing to them, an affectionate and warm smile on his face.

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