Arthur Morgan: He Isn't You

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Arthur refuses to confess his feelings for you, believing that you deserve better than him. However, when another man starts showing interest in you, both of you come to the decision that something just isn't right.

Word Count: 3200

If anyone needed to find Arthur Morgan, their best bet would be to find you because the chances were that Arthur was right there with you. Following you around like a loyal Pitbull.

It was no secret among the camp that if you were near, Arthur wouldn't be too far behind. They tease him about it, of course, most of them not meaning anything malicious. They call him your bodyguard, your personal gun, your shadow, your other half, but most of them thought it was sweet in a way. Bill had compared him to a loyal guard dog but Micah had just scoffed, claiming that Arthur was more like a foolish lapdog.

Arthur was used to these comments and just brushed them off, he didn't care because it wasn't going to change how he acted around you. You, on the other hand, heard the comments less. The only time you heard the names that they gave him was when he wasn't around and somebody was asking where he was.

"Y/n, where's your personal bodyguard?" Karen had asked when you walked over to the girl's tent without Arthur on your tail.

"Miss L/n, where's your other half? I need to speak to him" Dutch had asked you one day in the camp while Arthur was out on a job.

"Huh, where's your dog, shouldn't he be around here somewhere...protecting you or whatever it is that he does?" Micah asked you while you were in the camp, that was the only comment that got under your skin. The other comments and names didn't bother you so much but you didn't like the idea of people calling Arthur a dog, that just wasn't okay.

But following you around wasn't the only thing that Arthur did, it wasn't the only thing that the others had noticed. It was very clear that this man would do anything for, big or small.

When a man was being disrespectful in the saloon, Arthur was the first to stand up and get between you both, scaring the other man away. His anger instantly fading and his features softening when you placed your hand on his arm, quietly thanking him. It was fascinating, how fast you could change his whole demeanour.

When you were sitting at the campfire with some other members of the gang, Arthur would often walk over and sit beside you, handing you a fresh drink or a bowl of stew. Something you could swear that he knew you were thirsty or hungry before you even did. Once you went to sip from your beer bottle only to found it was empty, as you pulled the bottle away from you face, Arthur was already standing in front of you with two drinks in his hand, holding one out to you. Nobody could miss the light pink colour that appeared on his cheeks and the small lopsided grin on his face when you thanked him.

The two of you were often together and you were more comfortable around him than anyone else in the camp. Whenever you would rest your head on his shoulder when you were tired, Arthur would blush up a storm. Normally he tried to hide it by lowering the brim of his hat but Dutch had caught it once.

When you were upset or just in a low mood, you didn't even need to say anything, Arthur just knew. He would be right there beside you, to hold you if you needed comfort, to talk to you if you needed reassurance, to just be there if you needed company.

The truth was that Arthur was in love with you, absolutely head over heels in love with you. He had been for a long time, which would explain his behaviour. Despite being so considerate of your feelings and needs, despite caring about you so much, he had never been honest about his feelings for you. No matter how obvious it might be to other members of the camp.

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