Hosea Matthews: Cornwall

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Hosea Matthews X Female Reader

Summary: Some connections from your past come to light, something that not even Hosea knew.

Word Count: 2600

The icy wind bit at your face as you sat atop your horse, looking out over the railway-track. You hated being up in the mountains, it was just always so cold and you could never get truly warm. At least you should be leaving soon, if this job went well you would be out of here in no time.

"Okay, cover your faces. Train should be here any minute now, if Miss L/n is right" Dutch spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I am right, not need to worry there" you assured him as you all covered your faces with bandannas or masks.

"How did you hear about this train anyway?" Micah asked, squinting at you.

"Got a good nose for this kinda thing. Dutch said we needed money, I found a solution. What did you do?" you asked, smirking under your bandanna. Micah just huffed and rolled his eyes, but you heard Hosea chuckle softly beside you.

"Do you really think robbing Leviticus Cornwall is a good idea though?" Hosea asked. He had already expressed his concern but Dutch had assured him that it wouldn't be a problem.

"Not particularly...from what I hear, the man can hold a grudge. And there are going to be a lot of men on board, so be prepared for a fight. But Dutch made the final decision, so we're doing this" you shrugged. You wouldn't be dishonest, you knew that this probably wasn't the smartest move and you had expressed this to them in the first place. Dutch, however, seemed determined so this was happening.

"Just look out for yourself if something goes wrong" Hosea expressed his concern, making you smile.

"Of course. You too, wouldn't want anything happening to you. Then what would we do?" you looked to him and you could tell that his was smiling under his bandanna. Dutch smiled to himself but shook his head at the two of you.

"If you two could stop flirting, we have a job to do" Micah huffed.

"Leave 'em alone, Micah" Arthur rolled his eyes. Why did Micah have to comment on everything? Why was he even here?

"Miserable ass" Javier muttered, clearly referring to Micah.

"Watch your mou-" Micah started but, thankfully, got cut short.

"Gentlemen, it's time" Dutch announced as the train approached. "Good luck, all of you. You all know what to do" he nodded at you all.

This shouldn't be too difficult, there would definitely be some shooting but you were confident that everything would be fine. All you had to do was wait for Bill to set off the explosives. Anytime now...

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me" Dutch muttered as Bill failed to ignite the explosives.

"Where did you find that moron?" Arthur asked, watching the train roll by.

"Nothing can ever go simply, can it?" Hosea spoke mostly to himself but you still heard it.

"Of course not, otherwise we would be in Tahiti right now" you reminded him, making him laugh.

"Will you all, please, have some faith" Dutch pleaded with the two of you.

"'course, sorry Dutch" you apologised, you and Hosea sharing amused smiles.

"Well, come on!" Javier huffed as he dismounted his horse. He ran off with Arthur and Lenny to try to catch up with the train.

"Do you think they caught the train?" you asked after a few minutes went by.

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