Javier Escuella: Comfort

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Javier Escuella X Female Reader

Summary: Javier had noticed that you have been a little down recently, so he tries to comfort you.

Word Count: 1100

Javier had noticed you acting differently lately, you just seemed...sad. He couldn't quite put his finger on what you were feeling or what had you feeling so negatively but he had noticed that changes. You weren't sulking around camp or anything, you just seemed fed up or something along those lines.

You never had your usual smile on your face. Even when somebody made you laugh, it was short and followed by a forced smile to hide whatever was going on in your head.

Something just wasn't right and Javier knew it. He had tried to make you smile many times over the last few days but nothing seemed to work. Sometimes he managed to get a small, genuine smile from you but it was always soon forgotten about.

Javier wanted to help and he knew that he had to do something, he hated seeing you like this, but he just didn't know what he could do.

It was late evening in the camp, most of the gang had settled down for the night, retiring to their tents or bedrolls but you were sitting in front of the campfire.

That was something else that Javier had noticed, you hadn't been sleeping properly. Up earlier than usual and not going to bed until after everyone else. He didn't know what was wrong but he could see that it was starting to really get to you and he wanted to do anything that he could to help.

Javier sighed sadly before walking over to the fire and sitting beside you. You didn't acknowledge him, seemingly lost in your thoughts as you watched the flames dance.

"Y/n?" Javier said your name softly, hoping to break you out of your trance. Thankfully, it worked and you turned your head to face him. "Are you alright?" he asked, something that he had done many times over the past few days. Just like every other time he asked, you simply nodded and returned your attention back to the fire. "Hermosa...I can see that something isn't right. Of course, I am not going to make you tell me anything but you can talk to me about whatever is bothering you" he told you, his voice caring and sincere.

"...Javier...thank you, really but..." your words drifted off, not sure what you were even going to say.

"What is it?" Javier asked, encouraging you to share your thoughts with him.

"To be honest with you, Javier. I don't know. I've not been feeling like myself recently, I don't really know how to explain it" you confessed, actually talking about how you have been feeling for the first time.

"I'll listen if you want to try" Javier assured you, a small smile gracing his face and you couldn't help but return his small smile.

"I guess things are just getting on top of me, getting a little too much, y'know? With everything going on with the gang, the tension, the running. I guess I'm just tired of it all" you sighed, watching the flames as if they would help you collect your thoughts.

"I understand, hermosa. You aren't the only one who feels that way, we're all tired of it. You don't have to pretend that everything is alright and that you're okay, let people help you" he sighed.

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry for boring you with it" you apologised, shaking your head.

"Y/n, you are not boring me with anything" Javier assured you as he reached over and took hold of your hand. "I've seen the way you've been acting around the camp recently, you haven't been your usual self at all and I've been worried about you. I just want to know that you're alright. I wish there was something I could do to help, but I'll do whatever it takes just to see you smile again" he admitted and you did smile as his thumb gently brushed against the back of your hand. You couldn't have stopped your smile even if you tried.

"Sure, you can't make everything perfect, nobody can, but you're pretty close. Trust me, Javier, this has made me feel a million times better" you assured him and this time you made him smile.

"When did you last get a proper night's sleep?" Javier asked, noticing dark circles beginning to form under your eyes.

"...just under a week ago I think. I haven't been sleeping too well. I can't get to sleep at night and I finally get a couple of hours before I'm awake again. Is it that obvious?" you asked with a small sigh.

"Maybe not to the others, you're rather good at hiding it, but I've noticed it" Javier confessed and you both went silent for a moment, neither of you knowing what to say.

"Come with me" Javier ordered very gently as he stood up and held his hand out to you.

"Javier?" you asked but placed your hand in his anyway, letting him gently pull you to your feet and guide you away from the fire. He continued to walk towards your tent before finally reaching it and lifting the canvas for you. "Javier?" you asked again but he just ushered you inside before stepping in after you and closing the canvas behind him. You couldn't help but look at him with a slightly amused expression, what is he doing?

"Well, don't just stand there" Javier smiled as he sat on your cot, clearly making himself at home. He held his hand out to you again, waiting for you to take it.

You squinted at Javier curiously before smiling and placing your hand in his, letting him guide you down onto your cot as well. The two of you lay down comfortably together, he let you lay your head on his chest while he tucked your head under his chin. Javier wrapped his arms around you and started to comb his fingers through your hair.

"Thank you, Javier. This means a lot to me" you smiled against his chest, your voice only a whisper since he was so close.

"You don't need to thank me, it's my pleasure. I just want you to be okay, now please sleep" Javier kissed the top of your head.

You completely relaxed in his embrace, a soft smile on your face. You fell asleep in Javier's arms, sleeping completely through the night for the first time in the last week.

Javier watched you for a moment with adoration in his eyes, so glad that you were finally getting some sleep, so glad to have you in his arms. However, it wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep as well, his face gently nuzzled against your hair.


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