Arthur Morgan: The Domestic Life

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: The gang goes their separate ways and you and Arthur become parents.

Word Count: 2500

The van der Linde gang had split up a short while ago. With the Pinkertons getting closer and closer to bringing the gang down, Dutch's descending mental well-being, the increasing tension among the gang members, it was probably for the best. It was all leading up to the gang separating under much more explosive circumstances. It wasn't an easy decision to make but it had to be made.

Other members of the gang had already left and eventually everyone decided that it might be for the best to go their own ways. Some members left to build their own lives, others grouped together and went off in smaller groups.

Sure, you would all miss each other but you would stay in touch and this way you could all keep your lives.

According to the letters that you had received, everybody seemed to be doing fine. John and Abigail had moved into a ranch with Jack and Uncle. Dutch and Hosea stuck together but are living a more relaxed life, using aliases to find a place to stay permanently. There just two examples of what the members of the gang went on to do.

When these decisions were being made, Arthur had come to speak with you. You both needed to decide on what this meant for your future together and you both came to the easy decision that you should both settle down together. You both agreed that it was probably time to stop running and to find a place that you could live for the foreseeable future, and you both knew that you wanted to be together. So, the decision wasn't hard to make. You would buy a ranch together and live there.

When finding the perfect ranch for you both, you had purchased one within riding distance of the Marston ranch. It was an added bonus that you could stay so close to such good friends.


You just finished cleaning the dishes from breakfast when you heard Arthur coming in through the front door. You smiled to yourself as you dried your hands with the hand towel before tossing it down on the table and going to meet Arthur by the door. He closed the door with one hand while he looked down, reading the letter in his hand, before walking further into the house. He didn't seem to notice that you had walked into the room.

"Who wrote?" you asked as Arthur came to a halt in the living room and you walked over to him.

"Got two of them actually" Arthur told you, holding up the two letters for you to see.

"Two? From who?" you asked as you took the letters from him, scanning over them curiously.

"One from Hosea. Apparently Dutch is driving him crazy, he seems to be bored with the slower paced life" he recalled the first letter, chuckling slightly at the thought of Hosea having to watch Dutch pace back and forth while ranting about society.

"Funnily enough, that doesn't surprise me" you laughed, playing the exact same image in your mind.

"The other is from Lenny...seems that Sean nearly got them and Kieran kicked out of their apartment" he told you, making you look back up at him.

"Being too loud?" you raised an eyebrow, not completely surprised by that either. It's good to know that Sean is still as loud as ever.

"What else is new?" Arthur asked, the two of you chuckling as you handed the letters back over to him. Arthur folded the letters and placed them down on the coffee table, you would write back to them later.

"Are we still going to John's for dinner?" you asked as you stepped closer to Arthur, straightening out the collar of his shirt.

"Yeah. Abigail said that we can get there early if we want too" Arthur informed you, not seeming too fond of the idea. "Or we could just stay here until this afternoon" he suggested, his hands coming to rest on your waist.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora