Arthur Morgan: Lost Boy

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: When you and Arthur are heading back to the camp from a job, the pair of you stumble upon a lost child with a heartbreaking story.

Word Count: 3600

You and Arthur rode side by side, your horses keeping pace with each other. The pair of you were heading back to the camp after a job well done. You had been gone for the morning but were returning now, in the afternoon.

The ride back to camp was slow and relaxed, the pair of you just enjoying each other's company. Neither of you really wanted to go back to the camp just yet, you enjoyed having some peace and quiet together so neither of you were rushing to get anywhere.

"Oh come on, you're not serious" you chuckled to yourself, shaking your head at what Arthur had just told you.

"I'm completely serious. Sean and Karen, in John's tent. Sean gave me a thumbs up before he closed the canvas" Arthur told you, cringing at memory.

"Ew...poor John" you cringed as well. The poor guy didn't even know.

"Poor Karen" Arthur joked, the both of you bursting out in laughter.

Your laughter came to a stop when you heard the soft sound of crying. It was amazing that you managed to hear it over your laughter but you did, and it caught your attention. You furrowed your brow in confusion as your horse came to a stop.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asked as he halted his horse beside yours.

"Shush" you held up your hand to signal for Arthur to be quiet, as you looked around for the source of the noise.

Arthur obeyed your signal and went silent, listening for a moment until he heard the crying as well. He turned his attention back to you when you dismounted your horse and started to approach the sound.

"Y/N, be careful" Arthur warned you as he dismounted his horse as well. He trailed behind you with his hand hovering over his gun on his hip.

You walk around the side of a large rock on the side of the road. Of course you were still being cautious, this could be some sort of con after all. As you rounded the rock, you froze at the sight in front of you.

"Oh God..." you whisper to yourself. Arthur frowned when he saw your face drop before rounding the rock as well, seeing what had upset you.

Sitting behind the rock was a young boy, probably about Jack's age. He was leaning back against the rock with his knees tucked up to his chest, holding his wrist on one hand, as he sobbed into his knees.

It wasn't the type of crying that a child might do when they throw a tantrum, it wasn't screaming or crocodile tears, it was sobbing out of pure sorry and fear and it broke your heart.

You approached him carefully, not wanting to scare the poor boy. "Hey" you spoke softly. As soon as he heard you, his head shot up. He looked at you with wide, scared, eyes before moving to stand up and run away.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We aren't going to hurt you" you said, your voice as soft as before, as you held your hands up as if to show him that you meant no harm. The boy didn't speak, he only watched you cautiously, but he did slump back into his original position.

"My name is Y/N, this is Arthur. He's nice too. What's your name?" you asked, trying to prove that neither of you wanted to hurt him.

"...Pa told me that I shouldn't talk to strangers" the young boy finally spoke. His voice was quiet and afraid, hoarse from the crying.

"Your Pa is a smart man but we want to help you. Why are you crying?" you asked, wondering why he would out here on his own in tears, but he didn't answer. "Are you lost?" you asked and he just nodded. "Do you know where your parents are?" you hoped that you would be able to find his parents and take him to them.

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