Micah Bell: Mute Part 2

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Micah shows his protective side when someone makes a comment about you, and feelings get confessed.

WARNINGS: a few comments that are insensitive towards mental/learning disabilities.

Word Count: 1800

Another job well done. You and Micah had become quite the team, even if you did say so yourself. Other members of the gang had been surprised by your newfound partnership and even friendship, they just found you to be an unlikely pair.

To celebrate your job well done, and a score that turned out to be more than either of you expected, you ended up going to the saloon before heading back to the camp. This was pretty common for you both at this point.

"I'll be right back" Micah told you as he stood up. You just nodded, giving him a small smile, before he walked away.

You sat with your drink, waiting for Micah to return. You were barely alone for two minutes before somebody approached you.

"Hey there, miss" an unfamiliar man greeted you as he placed himself beside you at the bar. You just smiled politely at him, you weren't interested in conversing with him but didn't see any reason to be rude. "Can I get you a drink?" the man asked, this time getting you to look at him properly. He was about your age, a little dirty but not unattractive. Still, you had no interest.

You smiled again but shook your head as you held up the bottle of beer that Micah had bought you, silently telling him that you already have a drink.

"How about the next one?" the man asked but you shook your head again, quickly becoming tired of him. "Don't talk much, do ya?" he asked, tilting his head at you. You just sighed and shrugged, completely not interested in him.

"He bothering you?" Micah's voice caught your attention and made your head perk up in his direction, seeing him walking towards you both. You shook your head, not wanting him to worry, and gave him a smile to reassure him that you were alright. "Okay well...run along kid, we're busy here" he attempted to wave the other man away.

"You're here with her?" the man asked, looking between you both.

"Yeah" Micah squinted at him, already not liking him.

"So what then...she can't talk or something?" the man asked. You rolled your eyes, used to similar comments. Micah didn't say anything but you noticed how his jaw clenched. "My cousin is like that, his pa dropped him on head as a kid or something. Real stupid, he don't speak much either" he continued.

You tensed a little and Micah definitely noticed. Even though you knew the man was wrong, comments like that still get under your skin more than you may like to admit.

"She ain't fucking stupid" Micah spoke through gritted teeth, making you look at him. You were a little surprised about how angry he sounded on your behalf.

"Damn, relax. She probably can't understand us anyway" the man chuckled to himself. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, focusing your attention on the bottle in your hands. Micah glanced at you, hating your discomfort.

"Fucking watch your mouth" Micah snarled at the other man, only earning a glance from you.

"Come on, you're telling me you really care about-" the man didn't get to finish his sentence.

He was interrupted by Micah grabbing his collar with one hand and punching him in the face with the other. You gasped, jumping up from your seat, as Micah released the man and he fell to the floor.

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