Chapter 1: Inseparable

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Lily clutched her books tightly against her chest as she weaved through the masses of students in the cramped corridor, desperately trying to go unnoticed. Being the new kid at school was always hard, but being the new kid in a new school in a new country thousands of miles from home, was utter terrifying.

Her older brother had fit right in making friends instantly, I guess it's easy when you have confidence and don't choke every time someone tries to speak to you. Unfortunately for Lily she had no idea what that was like, she just wished her sister was here. Daisy would've known just what to do, she always did. But Daisy wasn't here and Lily was alone and invisible and she wanted desperately to keep it that way.

She quickly made her way down the hall keeping her gaze on the floor so she wouldn't make eye contact with anyone and attract any unwanted attention. Just as she made it to her locker something hard connected with her shoulder causing her to fall to the ground, her bag and books she was holding sprawled out on the floor around her. Looking up she saw a group of girls giggling as they walked past her smirking and Lily quickly realised her fall had been no accident.

Lily kept her head low as she began to collect her belongings, she didn't want anyone to see the tears that had begun to stream down her cheeks. As she reached to pick up one of her books she froze when she noticed another hand pick it up before she could, holding it out to her.

"Are you okay?"

She slowly lifted her gaze from the floor at his voice, looking up until she was staring in to the most beautiful baby blues she'd ever seen. He was smiling softly at her, his hand still holding out her book. She quickly took it from him shoving it in to her bag and only nodding in response to his question.

She stood up turning to open her locker and placing her other books inside, trying to escape the gaze of the boy now towering over her. All she wanted when she moved here was to remain invisible and now she didn't even have that.

"Just ignore them, not everyone at this school is like that"

The boy now spoke again and Lily couldn't help herself as she lifted her head to get another look at him. He was truly gorgeous, his mesmerising eyes and the way his hair was styled up into spikes and that toothy grin her kept flashing her.

"I'm Chris" he smiled as he held out his hand, Lily tentatively lifted her own to shake his, "you're Lily right?" he asked.

Confusion spread across Lily's face as her eyebrows furrowed, wondering how the stranger knew her name.

"I'm in your brother's grade" he smiled noticing her expression, "how about I walk you to class?"

Lily really didn't want to draw any more attention to herself, but there was something about the boy standing in front of her that made her feel comfortable and almost safe.

She nodded shyly, a small smile gracing her lips as he took the books in her arms and began carrying them for her.

"See I knew you'd have a lovely smile" Chris beamed as he began leading Lily down the corridor. Ever since she'd first arrived at the school at the start of the week he'd been working up the courage to talk to her, now kicking himself that he hadn't done it before she became a target for the schools mean girls. Then maybe he would've been able to stop it.

They carried on down the corridor; Chris chatting away as Lily gradually began to feel more at ease. Maybe this school wouldn't be so bad after all.

*Present Day*

"Really Bear? All you have in your fridge is beer and cheese? How the hell do you make a meal out of that?" Lily chuckled as she took a bottle before opening it and taking a sip.

"Hey I haven't had a chance to go grocery shopping yet" Chris huffed as he reached his arm around her grabbing his own bottle and twisting off the cap, "and I'll have you know Bumble that beer and cheese is a very nutritional meal"

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