Chapter 24: Pathetic

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"Honestly Bear I think you're really gonna love Jess" Lily chirped as Chris followed her through the crowded cafe.

Lily had just finished her first year of college and Chris was finally back home for a while so she took the first opportunity she could to finally introduce him to Jess.

Lily pushed her way through a crowd of people as she instinctively reached back for Chris's hand. Luckily her gaze was focused on her path in front of her so she didn't notice the way Chris's cheeks flushed as he felt the same bolt of electricity he always did when she touched him.

As she made her way through the unusually busy cafe her face lit up when her eyes finally landed on Jess sat at a table tucked away in the corner. She pulled Chris along with her before they finally reached where Jess was sat.

"Hey" Lily squeaked excitedly as she let go of Chris's hand to pull Jess up for a hug. He desperately hoped she'd miss the look of disappointment on his face at the fact she was no longer touching him. Lily may not have noticed, but the same didn't go for Jess.

"Hey babe, missed ya" Jess smiled as she hugged her friend back before her gaze fell back on Chris.

"Well this must be the famous Mr movie star" Jess smirked as she pulled away from Lily.

"Oh definitely not" Chris snorted a laugh.

"Bear this is Jess, Jess this is Bear" Lily smiled brightly as she looked between her two best friends.

"Okay I am not calling you Bear" Jess smirked sarcastically.

"Shit sorry I meant Chris, force of habit" Lily laughed as she slid in to the booth Jess had been sitting at, Chris sliding in beside her.

"Yeah Chris is better" Jess smiled as she took her seat back at the table and held her hand out for Chris to shake, "It's nice to finally meet you, after Lily talking none fucking stop about you"

"Oh fuck off" Lily smirked as she pulled a face at Jess.

"It's great to finally meet you too" Chris smiled as he shook Jess's hand, "and for the record she's talked about you a lot too"

They spent the next hour talking, the girls telling Chris about how great college was and Chris filling them in on what life in New York had been like. Jess had studied Chris's body language the entire time and it had all been obvious to her since he'd first walked in. See she had always been able to read people, it had come in handy a lot. And she could certainly see how Chris truly felt about Lily.

"Bumble you got a little something there" Chris pointed to the corner of Lily's mouth before he lifted his thumb to wipe whatever it was away.

Jess cocked an eyebrow as Lily thanked him before she announced she needed to use the toilet. Chris slid out of the booth so she could get out, once she had lest the table he sat back down and turned his attention back to Jess who was already staring at him with a knowing looking on her face.

"What?" Chris asked confused as she continued to stare.

"Oh come on, cut the shit" Jess smirked as she tilted her head to the side.

"What are you talking about?" Chris asked raising his brows at her.

"You have a thing for her don't you?" she asked smugly.

"What?" Chris asked shocked, "Why do you... erm what makes you..."

"Relax I'm not gonna tell her" Jess said as she saw Chris visibly relax, "but if you don't want her to know I'd try being a little less obvious with it"

"I know I just can't help myself around her" Chris shrugged as he leant back against the booth.

"How long?"

"Like nearly four years" Chris sighed as he watched Jess's eyes widen.

"Wow and you really don't want to tell her?"

"No I don't I can't risk losing her, look I know you're her friend and you don't even know me but please, I can't lose Lily, she's the best part of my life, please promise me you won't tell her" he begged.

"I promise" Jess smiled sympathetically feeling sorry for him, "but I do think you should reconsider telling her, you never know it might work out"

*Present Day*

"Well well well, if it isn't the asshole that ruined my relationship"

Chris felt his hands instantly clench in to fists on the table as he heard Jack's voice behind him. Ash had the exact same reaction as his jaw clenched and he ground his teeth together trying his best to stay calm.

"Jack I think it'd be best if you just left" Scott spoke calmly trying his best to stop the situation from spiralling.

"Yeah why don't you fuck off back to hell, don't you have some dreams to crush or some kids to make cry" Jess spat as Scott shot her a look telling her to shut up and she just shrugged and mouthed 'what?' at him as he shook his head.

"Always the charmer Jess" Jack chuckled dryly before his attention turned back to Chris, "I think we need to have a chat Evans"

"I have nothing to say to you" Chris spoke through gritted teeth as he kept his gaze fixed on the table, knowing if he took one look at Jack he wouldn't be able to stop himself from wiping that smug smirk off his face.

"Well I have a lot to say to you, starting with where the fuck do you get off stealing someone else's girlfriend?"

"He didn't steal anything, my sister just finally realised what a no good piece of shit you are" Ash spat as he sat up straighter finally looking at Jack. Jess reached over placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to keep him calm and stop him from getting up.

"Maybe you should keep your fucking nose out of situations that aren't your business Ash"

Ash immediately stood despite Jess's attempts to keep him sitting down. He moved to stand in front of Jack towering over him as he puffed his chest out, "it involves my sister so it is my fucking business you arsehole, you're fucking lucky you're still standing Jack"

"You think you're a big man do you?" Jack laughed sarcastically, his attention once again turning back to Chris.

"Come on Evans I want to fucking talk to you"

"I have no interest in a conversation with you Jack"

"Right sure you don't" Jack huffed with a smirk on his face, "well I'll just say this then, she will never love you the way you love her, she loves me. If any part of her wanted you she wouldn't have spent five years with me. I spent five years loving her the way you've always wanted to, I got to hold her, to kiss her, to fuck her..."

Jack's words were cut off as Chris pushed his chair back and jumped to his feet, in seconds he had Jack pinned up by a nearby wall by his shirt.

"Don't you fucking dare say another word about her" Chris hissed through gritted teeth as everyone in the bar began watching them.

"Hey get the fuck off him" one of Jacks friends shouted as two of them approached where Chris had Jack against the wall.

"It's cool guys" Jack stopped them as he smirked at Chris, "he's not got it in him"

Chris's chest began to heave as he started breathing heavily trying to keep himself calm, knowing he couldn't be the first to throw a punch.

"Chris just leave it" Amber pleaded from behind him as Jess quickly pulled out her phone dialling lily's number.

He huffed as he let Jack go and took a few steps back from him. Ash took a step towards Jack and Chris could see the fury burning in his eyes. Chris raised his hand and placed it on Ash's chest as he looked him in the eye giving him a look as if to say 'not yet'.

"You know Jack" Chris started as he looked back over his shoulder at Jack, "you may have gotten five years with her, but that's all you'll ever get. Maybe she will never love me the way I want but I'm always going to be in her life, your little plan to isolate her from me didn't work, you're fucking pathetic" Chris chuckled as he watched Jack's face flush red as his nostrils flared.

"How does it feel to know that the thought of your touch fucking repulses her now?"

Amber gasped as Jack lunged for Chris, his fist quickly connecting with his jaw. He pulled back smugly as he watched Chris cupping his face, it didn't last long though as Chris gave him a bloody smirk before he threw himself at Jack throwing punch after punch, then it all turned in to a bit of blur after Ash and Jack's friends got involved.


A/N: Sorry it's late but I've got a lot more coming tomorrow!

A xx

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