Chapter 12: United front

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Lily sat staring at the clock as she sat on her couch, Wolf spread across her. She knew Chris had been away in LA for a few days and she knew he was coming back tonight, she also knew his plane would get in at any minute and yet she was still at home. She knew Chris's schedule, she always did.

It made her sad that this time when he'd gone away he had asked Lisa to look after Dodger and not her. She understood why he didn't ask her though, after all of the things she said to him. Honestly she regretted every word, but she knew if she wanted her relationship with Jack to work this was how it had to be, for now at least.

It broke her heart that she wouldn't be there to meet him at the airport, she still had the sign she made for this trip upstairs, she couldn't bring herself to get rid of it. For over fifteen years she had always met him from the airport, this would be the first time that she didn't.

She just kept telling herself that Jack was right, it was childish and she did need to grow up. But there was a part of her that didn't believe that, a part that had started to question what Jack had told her. She shook her head pushing those thoughts to the back of her head. No Jack was right and she was happier now, or was she?


Chris sighed as he pulled his suitcase through the airport, keeping his cap pulled down and his sunglasses on to avoid being recognised. Coming home used to always be his favourite part of going away for work, not just because it was home, but because she was always there waiting for him.

Now he was walking through the airport and all he was going to be greeted with was nothing. He was now starting to regret telling Amber she didn't need to pick him up, because he really did not want to be alone right now.

As he walked around the corner he saw a sea of people waiting for their loved ones. Instinctively he searched the crowd for those familiar brown eyes and when they weren't there he honestly felt like he might break down. But to his surprise though he did see a familiar pair of green eyes in the crowd.

He smiled brightly as he weaved through the crowd and made his way over to wear Amber was standing.

"I thought I told you that you didn't have to come" he smirked as he reached her.

"Yeah well I chose not to listen" she smiled brightly as she sent him a wink eliciting a chuckle from Chris.

"Well I'm glad you didn't" he smiled as he bent down to embrace her in a hug, "thank you"

"Anytime" she smiled as she pulled away after placing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"Come on your Mom has dinner ready"


About an hour later Chris and Amber were sat around his mother's dining table as they all ate dinner together. Cora, Mark and Ash had also joined them.

"So are we gonna talk about Lily's party?" Ash asked after they had all finished eating, "to be honest I don't even think I wanna go"

"Ash don't say that" Cora scolded her son.

"What? After everything she said I'm still pissed at her Mum."

"You have to go Ash" Chris spoke up, "we all do"

"Even after what she said to you Chris?" Ash asked as he looked at Chris in confusion, Chris took the brunt of Lily's words so he was surprised he wanted to go.

"If we don't she's going to be completely isolated and Jack will have gotten just what he wanted" Chris replied as he watched Ash take his words in, realising Chris was right.

"Exactly, we need to show her we're all still there for her" Amber started as she addressed the group, "I'm telling you she didn't mean any of what she said, he's just conditioned her in to thinking that."

"Ambers right" Cora said, "We need to make sure she knows we're still here, no matter what she says or does"

"I guess that makes sense" Ash agreed as he took a sip of his beer.

"So we go there and put on a united front and show her we support her?" Carly asked from the end of the table.

"Exactly" Lisa smiled at her daughter, "Lily is our family and we do not abandon family" she then smiled at Cora who was sat on her right as she reached for her hand giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah and if that doesn't work I'll just have to introduce Jack to my cricket bat collection" Mark winked as everyone around the table shared a laugh. Cora playfully smacked his shoulder as she giggled slightly.

"That's actually a good idea Dad, don't you think Chris?" Ash asked cockily.

"Oh absolutely" Chris smirked as he and Ash fist bumped across the table.

"Men honestly" Amber chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

Just then Chris felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, pulling it out he looked down and saw the caller ID of his assistant. He excused himself from the table and made his way into the kitchen to take the call.

"Hey Chris" he heard the voice down the phone.

"Hey what's up?" he asked curious as to why he was calling.

"You remember a few years ago you asked me to find that thing for you?"

"Oh yeah I remember, you said there weren't any left anywhere?" Chris asked, remembering the conversation they'd had a few years back.

"Yeah I didn't think there were, but back then I put a message out that we wanted one and every year since I've done it again, just to see if anything ever popped up"


"I got a call yesterday from some collector in Japan who has one, exact same make, model and colour that you wanted" Chris smiled brightly down the phone, this really couldn't have come at a better time.

"The things is he's asking quite a lot for it"

"I don't care how much it is" Chris interjected, "It's really important  that I get it, please tell him we'll take it and pay him whatever he wants"

"Absolutely, I'll get right on it"

"Thanks man, that's fantastic I really appreciate it"

"No problem, see ya"

As he hung up he couldn't help the huge smile that plastered itself across his face. He'd waited years to be able to get his hands on this and this really was the best time for it to finally happen, maybe things were looking up after all.


A/N: Please vote and comment!! Sorry another filler I promise we're getting to the good stuff in the next chapter! I wonder what will happen at Lily's party...

A xx

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