Chapter 3: Trust

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Chris couldn't help the frown on his face as he watched Jack and Lily across the table. He felt his chest tighten every time Jack reached up to brush her hair from her face or leant over to kiss her cheek.

"I've never wanted someone to choke on their food more than I do right now"

Chris couldn't help the laugh that left his lips as Ash leant over and whispered in his ear. Ever since Jack and Lily had first started dating not one member of either family had liked him. They had all given him a chance obviously but he continued to prove himself unworthy of Lily, but unfortunately she was the only one that couldn't see that.

Ash had come close hitting Jack more than once, especially on the multiple occasions it had come out that he had cheated on Lily. Every time they thought Lily would finally see sense, she just forgave him yet again. No one could ever understand why Lily couldn't see how much better than him she was.

Chris has to endure the last five years of Jack treating Lily like utter shit, controlling her life, walking all over her and every time Jack would fuck off for a few months, Chris was there to pick up the pieces. Holding her as she cried over that asshole and just when she would start to get better, he would show back up out of the blue and every time she would take him back.

"So I was thinking babe" Jack started, getting the attention of everyone around the table.

"Makes a change" Chris whispered in Ash's ear, who struggled to stifle a laugh. They both jumped slightly in pain as they felt Lisa kick them both under the table, her silent way of telling them to behave.

"Why don't we have a party for your birthday this year, we can invite all our friends and family"

Chris along with the rest of the table were slightly taken back by Jack's words. Five years he'd known Lily how could he ever think she would want a party for it?

When Chris first met Lily, her family had moved to Boston from England for a fresh start when Cora got a new job. Also they were trying to rebuild themselves after one of the worst things that could happen to a family happened to them.


It had been a few weeks since Chris first walked Lily to class and he had done so every day since. Then every Friday after school they would head to Tony's pizzeria and hang out, Lily also wanting to avoid going home, yet Chris never understood why. Her parents seemed nice enough and they actually got on really well with his parents.

One Friday when he was walking her home she asked if they could stop by the park for a while, where they sat on the swings talking for an hour before it started to get dark.

"We should probably get home" Chris smiled as he jumped off the swing holding his hand out for Lily to take. She hesitated as she looked at his outstretched hand before she reluctantly took it.

"Why don't you wanna go home?" Chris asked the question that had been on the tip of his tongue since he'd met her. Lily looked at him shocked, she had assumed he just hadn't noticed the fact she never wanted to return home.

"Come on Lily, I'm your friend, you can trust me." Chris smiled down at her, those baby blues sparkling in the moonlight. In that moment she knew she could trust him, with everything.

"My mum getting a new job wasn't the only reason we moved here" she started as she averted her gaze to her feet, her hand still clutching at Chris's, "I'm actually a twin, I have a sister... had a sister" she swallowed the lump in her throat as she felt the tears escape and run down her cheeks.

"Her name was Daisy, last year she was hit by a drunk driver on our way to school, she pushed me out of the way and then she died" Lily couldn't stop the tears from coming now as she broke down, feeling her legs give way beneath her.

Chris quickly caught her before she hit the ground wrapping her up in his arms as he gently sat them down on the grass, pulling her body in to his own. He hugged her tightly against him as he felt her body shake from the violent sobs. He kissed her head softly as he stroked her hair to soothe her.

"It's all gonna be okay" he whispered in her ear.

And for the first time since she lost Daisy, she really believed that.

*Present Day*

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