Chapter 9: Cool it

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It had been four days since the party and Chris had barely heard from Lily. He had called and text several times and she'd only replied once or twice saying she was busy or couldn't talk right now. He knew what was happening, Jack was finally getting in to her head about their friendship and he needed to do something to stop it.

Amber had told him that Lily hadn't been herself at work, how she just kept herself locked away in her office when she didn't have any appointments. She'd even started to lock her door to stop Jess from storming in and trying to get something out of her.

Since the party Amber and Chris had hung out a few times, just as friends. He found her easy to talk to and she was incredibly helpful and understanding about his situation. Amber had managed to push her crush on Chris to the side and she'd really been enjoying being friends with him. Although she couldn't understand how Lily had gone so long without realising he was in love with her, now she knew it was so obvious.

Chris had gotten calls from Ash and Cora, both worried about Lily and how they'd barely seen her. Next week was Halloween and every year Cora and Lisa take it in turns to host a party. This year it was being held at the Winters household. No one knew if Lily would make an appearance, they all just hoped if she did, that she wouldn't bring Jack.


Lily locked up the clinic that night, choosing to stay late to finish some work. Well mostly she was avoiding going home. She knew Jack would be coming over and she was really getting sick of fighting with him. He was fuming after the incident at Chris's house. He told Lily Chris was no good for her and that she couldn't continue to be so co-dependent with him anymore.

Lily had never thought of her relationship with Chris like that before. They'd been best friends for years, Chris had been there with her through everything. She couldn't ever imagine him not being in her life, but maybe they did need to cool it off a little. Maybe they did rely on each other too much and it would definitely help her relationship with Jack. She loves Jack so much, she can't let him go just because of this.

She pulled her car on to the driveway, noticing Jack's was already there. She climbed out of the car and opened the passenger door so Wolf could hop out. He trotted beside her as they entered the house. She walked through the living room and followed the lovely smell that filled her home to the kitchen.

She walked in to see Jack stood at the counter chopping vegetables, a pot cooking on the stove. He looked up to see her standing there, smiling brightly at her.

"Hey baby" he beamed as he walked over to her, kissing her softly before he moved to the stove and stirred the pot.

"What's all this?" she asked as the corner of her mouth curled up in to a smile.

"I wanted to apologise for the last few days, so I made you dinner"

"Oh you didn't have to do that" she smiled as she moved over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist.

"I did, I just wanted to show you how much I love you" he smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"I love you too" she smiled, "but you were right"

"I was?" he asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, me and Chris do spend a lot of time together, maybe we should cool it a little" she smiled sadly.

"That's good baby, its healthy to let go of him a little" Jack smiled. Lily had no idea that he had planned the whole thing. He knew if he argued his point and left Lily to sit with it she'd convince herself he was right. Then one sweet romantic gesture and it would confirm her thoughts and she was right where he wanted her.


"Why don't you just come to the clinic and confront her?" Amber asked as she took a sip of her beer.

"What and annoy her and just push her away more and straight to him" Chris huffed as he unpacked the Chinese food Amber had brought over on to the counter.

"Well what else are you gonna do?" she asked as she shoved a spring roll in to her mouth.

"Nothing Amber, I'm gonna do nothing"

"What?!?" she asked with her mouth full making Chris chuckle slightly.

"I'm telling you I know Lily and the more I tell her not to do something the more she wants to do it" he sighed as he spooned some noodles on to his plate. "I just wish she would realise on her own"

"She will" Amber smiled as Chris looked at her unconvincingly, "believe me, she'll realise he's no good, I don't know how long it'll take but she will"

"I'm glad you're so optimistic" he laughed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm speaking from experience here" Amber smirked as she picked up her beer and plate of food and walked through to the living room, Chris following behind her.

"You are?" he asked as they sat next to each other on the couch.

"Believe it or not Jack is not one of a kind, there are plenty of Jack's out there. Mine was called Kyle" she rolled her eyes as she shoved some noodles in her mouth.

"What happened?" Chris asked as he turned his body to face her.

"We were together three years, on and off just like Lily and Jack. He used to cheat on me all the time, always made me believe it was my fault and then had me begging for him back. He made me believe I couldn't ever be happy without him, he made it so I only had him to rely on"

"What made you finally realise?" Chris asked as he felt his heart ache for poor Amber.

"He did his usual, he cheated then he left for a few weeks. But this time it was longer than all the other times and then one day I woke up and it was like my mind was clear for the first time in years. I was without him and I was okay, I was still waking up, I was still here, my life hadn't ended just because he left. Then when he came back a few days later I found the strength to throw his shit at him and slam the door in his face." She smiled proudly as she took another sip of her beer.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Amber"

"Don't be, it made me who I am now, I'll never let anyone treat me like that again"

"I'm glad, you deserve a lot better than that" he smiled as he reached out to squeeze her hand.

"Thank you" she replied before she went back to eating her food.

"Do you think she'll come to Halloween?" Amber asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know" Chris sighed, "you're gonna come still right?"

"I'll be there" she smiled.

Chris smiled back, thankful he had Amber to confide in. He knew he had other friends, but Amber truly understood what he was going through and he really needed that right now.

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