Chapter 22: Misplaced

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Lily sighed as she continued to stare at the ceiling like she had been doing for the past hour. She could feel the blood rushing to her head as she lay upside down on her bed, her head hanging slightly off the edge.

It had been three days since she ran out of Lisa's house after Chris confessed his love for her. Since then she had stayed locked up in the safety of her house. She couldn't bring herself to go in to work, she really didn't feel like facing anybody yet. She hadn't heard anything from Chris, she knew he was giving her the space she asked for, but she'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt a little. What the fuck was going on with her?

To top it all off, Monday morning Jack had started calling none stop. She'd blocked his number straight away but now it was Wednesday and he was still calling her from various numbers and bombarding her social media accounts, begging her to talk to him. He was yet to show up to her house, but he knew she had cameras and a code on the gate in her driveway, which she had changed since she broke up with him. He knew she wouldn't let him in so he'd resulted to sending flowers and chocolates, still he had been unable to actually send her anything she liked.

Jess had called to say Jack had swung by the clinic as well so Lily made the decision that right now it was best to stay home and Jess had happily agreed to take on her appointments for the week. She had asked Jess not to tell anyone about Jack coming around, she knew if Ash or Chris got wind of it they'd be straight to his apartment and she really didn't need that drama right now.

So here she was lying upside down just so she could feel something. She had spent the last few days utterly confused by the situation she found herself in. She couldn't make any sense of everything she was feeling it was far too overwhelming. Not only did she have the grief of her relationship with Jack but also the new feelings for Chris she was experiencing.

God how she wished Daisy was here.

"You look like shit"

Lily's head shot up as she turned to face her bedroom door and saw Jess standing there with a plastic bag in her hand.

"How did you get into my house?"

"I have a key" she smiled as she walked in to the room, taking a seat on the bed beside Lily, who was still staring at her confused, "Ash gave me it"

"Course he did" Lily sighed as she moved to lie back on the bed, her head hitting the pillows.

"I brought you dinner"

"I'm not hungry" Lily huffed as she rolled on to her side facing away from Jess.

"It's your favourite" Jess smirked as she held the plastic bag up.

"Chinese?" Lily asked as she looked at her friend over her shoulder.

"Obviously" Jess smiled as she sat cross legged on the bed and began taking out the containers.

Lily sat up slowly as she moved to sit against the head board and Jess passed her a container of food and a plastic fork.

"I brought beers too" Jess smiled as she pulled two bottles from the bag.

"You didn't have to do this Jess, I'm okay really"

"You're a shitty liar" Jess smirked as she took a bite of her food.

"So I've been told" the corner of Lily's mouth curved slightly in to a smile as she played with her food.

"Jack came by again today" Jess smiled sympathetically.

"Oh way to put me off my food" Lily huffed as she leaned her head back against the head board.

"Sorry, he brought Carnations this time" Jess sighed, "I put them in the incinerator" Lily snorted a laugh as Jess winked at her.

"Seriously though Lil, are you okay?" Jess asked as she reached over to place a comforting hand on her friend's knee.

Lily sighed as she shook her head, a stray tear falling down her cheek. Jess moved the food to the side as she sat next to Lily against the headboard and wrapped her arms around her pulling her in to her side. Jess stroked Lily's hair as she cried.

"I'm so confused Jess" Lily sobbed as she wrapped her arms around Jess's torso.

"I know sweetie, it's okay" Jess cooed as she continued to try and comfort Lily, "want me to put Taylor Swift on?"

Lily chuckled as she kept her head buried in Jess's shoulder, "I think this might be a situation even Taylor can't solve"

"Now I never thought I'd her you say that" Jess sighed as she pulled Lily from her shoulder to face her.

"I just don't know how I never figured out how Chris really feels about me, like how did I not notice?"

"I honestly don't know babe, it's not like he isn't incredibly obvious"

"Wait" Lily furrowed her brows as she sat back, "you knew?"

"I mean yeah, oh Lil I'm sorry I thought you knew that" Jess smiled sadly.

"So I really was the only one who was oblivious to it" Lily huffed as she laid her head back down on the pillows and stared back up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry honey" Jess spoke as she lay down beside Lily.

"How long have you known?"

"Oh I figured him out back when I first met him"

"Really?" Lily exclaimed as she turned her head to the side to face Jess.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you so badly but he made me swear not too and I didn't want to cause any problems Lil"

"No it's okay I understand" Lily sighed as she turned her attention back to the ceiling.

They were quiet for a few minutes, both of them just staring up at the ceiling, a comfortable silence had fallen around them.

"Hey Jess?" Lily asked breaking the silence.


"Lately I've been having these different feelings towards Chris"

"Really? Like romantic feelings?" Jess asked as she lay on her side.

"Yeah" Lily hummed, "I think so anyway, like I've been insanely jealous of any female attention he gets, even Amber and when he looks at me I've been feeling these butterflies in my stomach. Then at my birthday the other night, I was more upset seeing a woman all over him then I was seeing one all over Jack. But now I'm just so confused, and I'm worried all those feelings I was having for Chris and the misplaced love I have for Jack are getting muddled and I don't want to think that I'm feeling something for Chris and then discover that it was just because I was desperate to put this love somewhere and then end up hurting him. Does any of that make any sense?"

"Yeah babe it does" Jess smiled as she moved to lay on her back and leant her head on to Lily's shoulder, "just give it time, I promise everything will become clear to you soon"

God she fucking hopes so.


A/N: So I wasn't gonna post again tonight but I'm really excited about the next few chapters, got a lot of drama coming your way so I just wanted to get this filler posted so I could get on with the good stuff! Please vote!

A xx

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