Chapter 23: Best decision of your life

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Chris couldn't help how his eyes lingered on the doorway of the bar all night. He was out for a few drinks with his friends, he should be enjoying himself, not constantly staring at the door hoping she would walk in. It was Friday night and they'd all gone to a bar for drinks. Originally before everything with Lily happened she was supposed to be here, but now he knew she wouldn't be, but he couldn't help that small flicker of hope inside of him.

He hadn't heard from her since she left his Mother's house last Sunday. He was trying his best to give her the time and space she wanted but he was finding it really fucking hard. All he wanted to do was go over there and check up on her. He was so worried about her. He knew he'd gone too far as soon as the words left his mouth, but he just couldn't help it. He couldn't hold in his feelings any longer and as a result he'd pushed her too far. It had only been a matter of hours after her break up with Jack.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard the door to the bar open, his head immediately shot up but he was instantly disappointed again when he didn't see her walk through.

"That's the tenth time tonight you've been watching the door" Amber whispered lowly in his ear so that the rest of the table couldn't hear.

Chris sighed as he brought his hands up to rub down his face, "am I that obvious?"

"Yes you fucking are" Ash smirked from the other side of him, drawing in the attention of the rest of the table.

"I'm sorry man but she's not coming, she's spending the night with my Mum" Ash smiled sympathetically as he patted Chris's shoulder.

"Yeah I just guess I was being optimistic" he sighed as he slumped back in his chair.

"She'll come around Chris, I'm sure of it" Scott added from the other side of the table.

Just then the door to the bar opened again and Chris's attention immediately turned to it, but he was disappointed yet again as Jess walked in alone.

"Erm guys" she rushed to the table taking a seat between Ash and Scott, "think we may have a problem" she pursed her lips as she nodded in the direction of the door as they heard it open again.

"Well well well, if it isn't the asshole that ruined my relationship"


"Mum honestly I'm okay, I've been eating just fine I promise" Lily laughed as her mother continued to lay out different plates of food she'd prepared in front of her.

"Just humour me honey and eat something, I'm only worried about you, I know how hard breakups can be" Cora sighed as she poured them both a glass of wine before taking her seat next to Lily on the couch.

"That cheese selection does look incredible" Lily smirked as she leaned across to help herself.

"So, how are you feeling about everything?" Cora asked her daughter as she leant back against the couch.

"I'm okay, it's just a lot to take at once you know? I've spent fifteen years thinking my relationship with Chris was one thing only to find out the entire time it was something completely different for him, and to top it all off I found out on the same day I ended a five year toxic relationship" Lily huffed as she leant her head back against her mother's arm that was resting against the back of the couch.

"I know baby that's incredibly understandable" Cora cooed as she began stroking Lily's hair soothingly, "can I ask you something sweetie?"

"Of course" Lily nodded against Cora's hand.

"Is there at least some part of you that is maybe curious as to what this could possibly be between you and Chris?"

"Of course there is Mum, I mean it's Chris he's my best friend and we've always had this incredibly deep connection, I mean he knows me better than anyone and he came into my life at a time where I'd lost a part of myself. I mean he was a huge part of helping me heal after Daisy's death"

"I can sense a but there" Cora smiled knowingly.

"But what if something does happen between us and I ruin it and then I lose him anyway?" Lily sighed as her gaze dropped to her fidgeting hands in her lap.

"Honey" Cora reached over to grab Lily's hands in hers, "why are you so convinced that you're going to ruin it?"

"That's what I do with everything Mum, that's what happened with Daisy" her voice was low as she trailed off.

"Lily Winters now you look at me" Cora demanded as she gripped Lily's chin in her hand, "what happened with your sister was not your fault, do you understand me?"

Lily nodded as a tear slipped down her cheek. Cora moved to embrace her daughter, she held her close to her as she sobbed.

"Shhh it's okay honey" Cora cooed a she stroked Lily's hair, "listen to me baby, Chris loves you so so much, he looks at you the way me and your father look at each other. I've known since you were fifteen that that boy would be the one for you. I think if even if it's just a small part of you that reciprocates those feelings, you owe it to yourself to give it a try, because I can honestly say it will be the best decision of your life and all of this pain you have gone through will have all been worth it."

Lily sniffled as she finally pulled away from her mother's chest, wiping under her eyes, "thanks mum, you always know the right things to say"

"That's because I'm a mother and I'm very clever" Cora smirked as she embraced her daughter in a tight hug.

"Yes she is and she's always right" Mark chirped as he walked in to the living room.

"Well clearly you're after something" Cora raised her brows as she looked up at her husband.

"Who me?" Mark smirked as he placed his hand over his chest pretending to be hurt by her words.

Ever since she was a little kid Lily had dreamed of having a marriage like her parents. They had been together since they were eighteen and they were still as in love now as they were back then. Is that really something she could have one day? And why couldn't she shake the image of it being Chris she would grow old next too.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by her phone loudly buzzing on the coffee table. She looked down to see Jess's name flashing across the screen and she leant over to pick it up, answering it and putting it to her ear but she didn't even get a hello out before Jess's voice came over the speaker.

"You have got to get here NOW!"


A/N: Please vote and comment, I love hearing from you guys! I'll be posting another chapter later today!

A xx

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